decimal造句151. You could save a lot of memory by packing decimal digits.
152. Instead of a count system based on 10—such as the decimal system—the hexadecimal system uses a count system of 16 to convey information.
153. This paper introduces the calibration of current transformers with special current ratio of decimal fraction The application of the current comparator is also introduced.
154. The relative humidity is expressed as a decimal or a percentage.
155. Floating point and decimal numbers are not nearly as well-behaved as integers, and you cannot assume that floating point calculations that "should" have integer or exact results actually do.
156. The decimal part of a logarithm. In the logarithm 2.95424, the mantissa is 0.95424.
157. Then, the computer is how to determine the decimal place?
158. What is the binary equivalent for the decimal number 162?
159. For example, dividing 1 by 9 yields the infinite repeating decimal .111111...
160. By applying decimal coding and preserving the best individual, the computing time is reduced.
161. This section introduces the source code of a library class that performs coordinate conversion between decimal degrees and UTM.
162. They set up orderly systems, like the Dewey decimal system or a school curriculum.
163. You do understand the Dewey decimal system, don't you ?
164. Determine whether you want to display the integer as a decimal value or a hexadecimal value.
165. Have the program print each input character and its ASCII decimal value.
166. Our guests ran with the assignment, offering a range of books eclectic enough to defy categorization by the Dewey Decimal System.
167. Report weight in grams up to 3 decimal place precision.
168. Decoding the dsirr is done by converting the hexadecimal value to decimal.
169. MC 14499 was the serial display driver of BCD input and decimal output.
170. This MIPS program converts any decimal number to its equivalent for any bases.
171. The design progress of this sequence generator starts with the listing of sequence both in decimal and binary.
172. Britain converted to decimal currency on February 15 th, 1971.
173. PI generated a small program can accurately swap places after the decimal point a few hundred.
174. A word character is any letter, decimal digit, or punctuation connector such as an underscore.
175. The field descriptors allow integers and decimal number to be read and written.
176. Determine the solution of this set and correct to two decimal places.
177. The maxIntegerDigits, minIntegerDigits, maxFractionDigits, and minFractionDigits attributes are used to control the number of significant digits displayed before and after the decimal point.
178. If you've never encountered an exact precision data type, the distinction between a decimal and floating-point type may be confusing.
179. BCH code in 11 levels has been used to represent the 10 decimal digits plus a sign digit.
180. SQL-92 includes a DECIMAL data type, which is an exact numeric type for representing fixed point decimal numbers and performs basic arithmetic operation on decimal numbers.