living standards造句31. Also the material benefits of Prussian citizenship had begun to show in improved living standards and educational opportunities.
32. Most important, the party knows it must improve the country's living standards if it is to stay in power.
33. The expectation that government action, through the welfare state, could remove inequality and uniformly improve living standards was openly challenged.
34. The final report argues that economic growth is crucial but often not sufficient to improve living standards in poor countries.
35. Inflation creates strife, as different groups in society struggle to restore their living standards.
36. As an infection carried on the air and in milk, diphtheria was not much affected by changes in living standards.
37. Successive generations will probably have living standards lower than those enjoyed by their parents.
38. Global demand is projected to double over the next 30 years as population increases and living standards improve.
39. Consider the problems involved in using national income statistics to make international comparisons of living standards. 4.
40. The quest to solve it involves raising the living standards of two-thirds of the world's population.
41. The mechanisation of agriculture and industry is cutting work opportunities, so in many cases living standards are declining.
42. This strategy is explicitly intended to improve living standards sufficiently to divert popular protest.
43. Elsewhere in the world, the fee will be adjusted for living standards.
44. Families may become dependent for their living standards upon two incomes.
45. The flow of people, profits and investment between regions produces differences in living standards between them.
46. Given the halving of living standards over the past year, this was an even more remarkable result.
47. Some people in the Labour party believe that high house prices mean high living standards and affluence.
48. Three trends are shaping the living standards of households with children.
49. It would find few backers among politicians worried about jobs and living standards rather than market share.
50. Since the war, living standards have always risen faster under Conservative Governments than under Labour.
51. Living standards at all income levels improved over that period.
52. In the long-term the cost was a noticeable drop in our living standards at home.
53. Middle-class living standards here far surpass life in Moscow, where many still live dormitory-style in small apartments.
54. I think that most people are interested in the fact that living standards under this Government have risen dramatically.
55. Even though the real wages and living standards of the proletariat may rise, its members will become poorer in relation to the bourgeoisie.
56. As a result, agricultural productivity and peasant living standards remained stagnant.
57. This would counter rural-urban migration as well as improve living standards and provide a cash income.
58. Many tribes have used revenues to improve living standards and supplement government-funded programs in social services, healthcare and education.
59. Rowntree carried out his third survey of living standards in York in 1951.
60. Rising living standards for those in work have also enabled them to buy more consumer goods.