consortium造句91 That answer comes from biological oceanographer Nancy Rabalais of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.
92 'A Consortium for Electronic Publication in the Humanities', with links to many projects of interest, e. g. Pompeian Households.
93 Get the full scoop on XSL standards from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
94 Pittsburgh - based Westinghouse, which was bought this year by a consortium led by Japan's Toshiba Corp.
95 The former Macau Electric Company was once housed in a building overlooking this 180-degree right-hander. The building still remains but is now occupied by the current electricity consortium, CEM.
96 XML is a new markup language specification developed by the W 3 C ( the World Wide Web Consortium ).
97 Hearst, another member of the consortium, has a start - up called Skiff.
98 He is Principal Investigator for the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Consortium.
99 The compiler automatically translates World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML schemas into Java classes, keeping you from having to write any complex parsing code.
100 XQuery is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard designed specifically for extracting information from XML documentation.
101 A consortium of Nigerian financial institutions and South African investors recently completed a $250 million underseas fiber cable along Africa's West coast.
102 The climactic stage in the project will take place in the 2012-13 Antarctic summer, when the Lake Ellsworth Consortium will use the data in this paper to access a sub-glacial lake for the first time.
103 The consortium's operating principles assumed that the open source community would control the code and the commercial consortium would drive "marketing" and commercial relations.
104 The consortium is pleased and collude the avail , joint use shape.
105 For one thing, ERC/NSM, which he helped establish in 1986, has organized a consortium of 31 companies that is working on developments in tube hydroforming.
105try its best to gather and build good sentences.
106 Among his many business achievements, Mr. Chan is well-known as founding chairman of the Bank Consortium Trust, a venture of nine Hong Kong institutions that provide Mandatory Provident Fund services.
107 Please send this note together with a cheque to Bank Consortium Trust Company.
108 Bank Consortium Business Hubei Branch Celebrates Olympics, double upgrade Tournament.
109 Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investors should refer to the principal brochure of the Bank Consortium Industry Plan for further details.
110 ABMACO's National Recycling Program is a collective action, a consortium type.
111 If you want to write HTML that is well-formed XML, follow the Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) standard from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (see Resources).
112 Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the MUSCLE Internal Fellowship from European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
113 Many recommended standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) promote namespaces for modularity.
114 The DOM Home Page at the World Wide Web Consortium: Visit the starting place for all things DOM-related.
115 Best Practices for XML Internationalization: Check out these best practices notes from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
116 Lawsuits: Able to sue for wrongful death, the emotional distress caused by a partner's death or injury, and loss of consortium caused by death or injury.
117 Each member of the consortium will bear joint liabilities to the Organizer.
118 W3C XML page: The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML page is a good place to learn more about XML and its related standards.
119 Earlier this year, Google released KML as an open standard that was adopted by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
120 W3C site: Find more information about HTML, CSS, XML, and other, related standards at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) site.