well established造句61 She had well established adult respiratory distress syndrome, requiring artificial ventilation with 90% fractional inspired oxygen.
62 A taste for the exotic was already well established in the mid-nineteenth century and photography gave it a new boost.
63 Naturally she took up residence, and by the time Nigel came back she was well established.
64 The West End/East End distinction in trades like shoe making and tailoring was well established by the end of the eighteenth century.
65 How can a perfectly well established institution change its name overnight and why should it?
66 Although the existence of coherent structures is well established, there is often controversy as to the most appropriate models.
67 Much has been achieved in geriatric medicine, and a multi-disciplinary approach is well established in many places.
68 Barbara Lipscombe gives the impression that it is well established and almost never disturbed.
69 By now, only seconds after the alarm had been raised, the fire was already well established along its full length.
70 Familial enterprises are of long standing and well established.
71 Silanes are well established and enjoy widespread use.
72 Though not wealthy, Tasha's family was well established in Bostonian society, having such acquaintances as John Singer Sargent and Mark Twain.
73 The important role of stereochemistry of cyclic systems in organic Chemistry has been well established.
74 It is well established for its flexible operations, powerful functions, multitasking, multithreading and plug and play.
75 The breeders who pioneered the Miniature Schnauzer had a specific goal in mind - to produce a smaller version of the well established Standard Schnauzer.
76 By the time of Kangxi s reign, Catholic missionary activity had been well established, and when the Franciscan monks.
77 CEO of Stan James, Peter Fisher said of the deal, "Bet Direct is a well established bookmaking brand which fits well into our existing operations."
78 Although superstring theory is still in a state of rapid development, the essence of the theory is now well established.
79 It is well established that the cardial contraction is initiated when an action potential depolarizes the sarcolemma.
80 Transvaginal sonography is significantly more accurate than transabdominal sonography, and its safety is well established.
81 Background and Purpose—The influence of stroke lateralization on functional and cardiovascular outcome after stroke is not well established.
82 If you take the time to keep these in top shape, you will be viewed as a well established, put together individual who handles that they have with care.
83 A fourth way in which a company can create a monopoly is by being well established.
84 The Blue Sail Group is a USD 630 million company with a well established organisation that is stable and financially sound.
85 Coding is a little more complicated than with named pipes, but the pattern is well established and well documented in any UNIX network programming book.
86 So wrote James Elroy Flecker in his 1913 poem, "The Golden Journey to Samarkand", which played upon exotic and romantic perceptions already well established in European minds.
87 Conclusion:The model of bladder functional reconstruction with artificial bladder reflex arc can be well established by extrameningeal L5 S2 anterior roots cross anastomosis.
88 Julia and simply carried on this well established policy and even enhanced it further.
89 This is not surprising; RUP reflects current industry best practice and typically does not codify approaches until they are well established within the field.
90 The secondary survey does not begin until the primary survey (ABCDEs) is completed, resuscitative efforts are well established, and the patient is demonstrating normalization of vital functions.