muck造句61. And Isle of Muck had inoculated his tenants against the smallpox at a cost of two shillings and sixpence per head.
62. Their suggestions and alternatives might just drag your writing deep into the muck of tired language.
63. They're mostly Northerners, and they don't want to muck about.
64. The house was stripped bare except for the furniture, and I suppose Lord Muck will provide that wherever he's taken them.
65. Eventually some one will emerge from the muck, the rusty mayoral crown askew on a weary head.
66. Now the question arises: have my taste-buds been ruined by the muck I've plucked from the mouths of babes?
67. Passing the muck Sometimes these external costs are paid in money.
68. He was taking no chances on having too many deaths to muck up his statistics.
69. There seems to be a myth alive in my head and muck dying down there.
70. Muck is formed by the decaying of saw grass and other organic material over thousands of years.
71. Soft as muck! - Half of them have quit already. - Because he only wants the land, see.
72. He sometimes gets his shoes soiled in trying to stay out of the muck.
73. His hands and fingernails were filthy, his face and legs covered in muck.
74. I'll just clean the muck off the windscreen and wing mirrors.
75. Both the board sea? s fell of their own weight into the muck.
76. Another option being considered is building a makeshift boardwalk with large wooden mats plunked down atop the muck.
77. The usual smell of long-seated bottoms, of sour shoes, of tobacco muck, of stogies, cologne, face powder.
78. You'd get your good barley and the muck would go behind the screens.
79. She serves up the most horrible brown muck for our meals.
80. Cleaning the muck off it I was delighted with my discovery.
81. She always used to get on to me and tease me and muck up my stuff.
82. What else is there to say about muck,[www.] glorious muck?
83. Rainy days could mean exposed roots, soggy fields, or plows that drowned in the mud and muck.
84. The acid cuts into the limestone and makes holes that, over the years, fill with muck.
85. You can come up and let yourself go - shout about and that and muck about.
86. It normally took the form of shearing, combining, baling, muck spreading, etc.
87. You can tell that by the way they muck schedules about.
88. South Florida Water Management District specialists at the site measured muck at 3-5 feet deep with 12-18 inches of water atop.
89. to spread muck on the fields.
90. Give me a straight answer, don't muck me about!