快好知 kuaihz

31. Monitoring the telephone conversations of the Kremlin hierarchy had become one of his pet projects over the last few years. 32. Normally housed in a museum beneath the Kremlin Armory, they have never before traveled to the United States. 33. Detonated Jones, of Kremlin Drive, Tuebrook, admitted causing an explosion likely to endanger life. 34. During the 70s many Eastern European leaders were merely puppets of the Kremlin. 35. The doubts about Yeltsin were deepened by his appearance in a brief Kremlin videotape this past week. 36. Instead of a gentle immersion in the ways of the Kremlin, Lebed has found himself baptized by fire. 37. The Kremlin has told four Soviet republics to drop controversial new laws on elections. 38. As the limos leave the Kremlin and head for the airport, it is back to the business of Chechen eradication. 39. Officials had said the Kremlin meeting would focus on back wages, tax collection and military reform. 40. Across the river the Kremlin sparkles in the morning sun. 41. Leonid Brezhnev ruled unchallenged in the Kremlin over what was still the Soviet Union. 42. First, the appalling Beria had been arrested at pistol point in the Kremlin and executed as privily as his victims. 43. Kremlin again alleged spying by Western newsmen. 44. He is not, as is often alleged, a neo-Soviet ruler: there is little trace of communism left in the Kremlin. 45. Gaz, which only 18 months ago was full of acquisitive ambition, is also subsisting on a drip-feed from the Kremlin. 46. But none of this stops the Kremlin from being anti-American and autocratic. 47. Tellingly , the public was kept away from the Kremlin ceremony. 48. Vladimir Ryzhkov, a former opposition MP whose party was abolished by the Kremlin, says that the democratic changes brought about by Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika have virtually all disappeared. 49. The fighting started when participants of the march were attacked as they were trying to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin. 50. Before I left Moscow, Putin hosted a small dinner in the Kremlin with a jazz concert afterward, featuring Russian musicians from teenagers to an octogenarian. 51. The Kremlin found PWC's failure to unearth any flaws in Yukos's accounts irksome. 52. A jittery Kremlin, nervous of mass unemployment and of social unrest, is likely to agree. 53. Economic expert Yevgeny Volk, director of the Heritage Foundation in Moscow, told VOA the Kremlin proposals are motivated in part by a desire to reduce U.S. global economic influence. 54. The Kremlin sees its relationship with the West as a zero-sum game: if it resurges, America will decline. 55. The Kremlin may be calculating that a stepped-up military is in Moscow's interest. 56. The Kremlin needed an excuse to accelerate the pressures it was exerting on India. 57. A similar brashness defined her forays into public society as the first lady of the Kremlin. 58. The proximate cause of the rift between the former Kyrgyz president and the Kremlin was his reneging on a deal to evict U.S. forces from a military base in Kyrgyzstan. 59. Kremlin artisans would sew the most valuable of these fabrics into ecclesiastical garments for leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church. 60. After Russian troops pushed into Georgia in August, America wanted to ostracise the Kremlin while Germany appeared eager to return to business as usual.