saliva造句91 Researchers studied an animal model for type I diabetes and primary Sjogren's Syndrome, which damages the glands that produce tears and saliva.
92 As long kiss when the two sides have not Antiaris oral wounds, but only contact with saliva is not spread.
93 This rare and expensive food is actually made from the jellylike saliva that swifts (a type of bird) secrete as they line their nests.
94 The saliva in our mouths is secreted from the salivary gland.
95 Alcoholic drinks decrease saliva production resulting in a dry mouth and consequent bad breath.
96 Results Oral u1cers in patients with ictal saliva lysozyme activity was significantly lower than in contro1 group.
97 The colorimetric method was employed to test ? ? - GCD in the saliva of 212 cases.
98 Pharyngalgia , ear in the sometimes cardiodynia; The saliva is many.
99 Cecil's team measured the children's height, weight, and waist and hip circumferences . They also checked the kids' FTO genes, based on saliva samples the students provided.
100 Differences in the amount of saliva secretion and histologic appearance were compared based on the existence of chorda tympani branches in the allograft. RESULTS.
101 Chen Xianglai, money talk nineteen to the dozen the woman kept saying anything, nobody can understand, moreover, saliva flow, gives off a smell, and impatient.
102 The sensitivity of both quantificational saliva and direct soakage RD TEST is 74%, the specificity of quantificational saliva RD TEST is 62%, and that of direct soakage RD TEST is 79%.
103 Don NOT use saliva, creams, oil, Vaseline, soap or shower gel as lube.
104 Thebeverage has many functions such as promoting the secretion of saliva and quenching thirst, whetting appetite, promoting the development of children, resisting apolexis andanticanceration.
105 Can orchitis use orchid tribute ( orchid liquid medicine ) go saliva fester part?
106 Does darling sleep by saliva antrum how be to return a responsibility?
107 Conclusions: Artificial saliva and Chinese traditional medicine are effective for radiation xerostomia, and they can improve the quality of life for patients with salivary gland dysfunction.
108 Researchers altered the salivary glands of the Anopheles stephensi mosquito, dubbed a "flying vaccinator, " so that it carried the Leishmania vaccine within its saliva.
109 Unable to swallow, patients with ALS may aspirate or inhale food or saliva into their lungs.
110 Methods The circuits of instantly different metallic contact were simulated in artificial saliva, and electrical potential of every couple and 15 currents of instant contact were measured.
111 Would you mind checking it to see if it matches the saliva from our spitting champ?
112 Objective:To review the application of saliva sample in parasitic disease immunodiagnosis.
113 Calculus — If left alone long enough, plaque begins to mineralize and harden into calculus or tartar because the plaque absorbs calcium, phosphorus and other minerals from saliva.
114 Then the students provided saliva samples. Saliva contains immunoglobulin A (IgA), the body's first line of defense against cold viruses.
115 Over the periods, their saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own, was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today.
116 Mumps virus can be isolated from saliva, urine, and, in meningitis, from the cerebrospianal fluid.
117 Fellatio may also offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases, based on the antimicrobial properties of saliva.
118 Saliva tests for cotinine, which is made when nicotine is broken down by the body, were taken to determine if people had really given up.
119 Has the cool disintoxicating, induces saliva and slakes thirst the function, may use in the summer heat, be agitated dry and hot, and so on sickness.
120 Anything but: the tannins causeyou to salivate more, and the more saliva you produce, the sharper yoursense of taste.