overblown造句31. The pharmacy industry insists that worries over error rates are overblown.
32. In fact, only on the overblown romp "Welcome To The Overground" does he put a foot wrong.
33. But Andy Xie , a Shanghai - based independent economist, says such fears are overblown.
34. Such concerns still look overblown. But tide of issues between the two countries hasn't passed yet.
35. Another ( no overblown ) climate change controversy may also be receding from view.
36. QUESTION FROM NATE: Do you see the news about the USA's creditors possibly downgrading our credit rating because of our growing debt as overblown?
37. Countries with a high scientific and technological level are overblown with arrogance.
38. I think all this talk about the legitimacy as a way overblown.
39. Democrats say Sotomayor's comment was taken out of context and has been overblown.
40. Life lessons, exes, or your philosophical stance on the late Jacques Derrida (Overblown fraud or grand deconstructionist?
40.try its best to gather and create good sentences.
41. The term 'economic war', often overblown, is for once accurate, and it's clearly something we're going to have to watch out for in the future.
42. Indeed, one sector where the buying seems overblown is financials.
43. Some experts now say the risks overblown, especially for younger women on low doses.
44. These two painters represent very different styles: overblown and aggressive versus detailed and contemplative, respectively.