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61. Along its high white granite walls, hundreds of funeral wreaths were coalescing into one great hanging garden of remembrance. 62. Suddenly, I see a boat weaving its way between the improbable pink granite rocks and I experience both relief and excitement. 63. Great granite fortresses sprang up in the misty vales and from them Dragon Princes rode the thermals over sullen volcanoes. 64. He turned so that his back was to the sloping granite wall and pulled her up. 65. The monument is a V-shaped low wall of polished black granite that reflects back the image of the viewer. 66. These vary from York stone and granite sett look-alikes to hexagonal and other geometric shapes. 67. The 8-foot-tall granite sculpture was commissioned at a cost of $16,000. 68. Not a trace remained of the cold rage that had set his face like granite. 69. The granite columns give a pinkish cast to the base of the building. 70. The public reception area, a strange mixture of green neon and granite, is awash with the sound of running water. 71. Salt water, beaten into a white sea foam, collides into the granite with each swell. 72. The modern ones were like fallen doors. Thick slabs of shiny granite. 73. They were on a granite slab that had fallen centuries ago and lay by the shore with the water rippling at it. 74. A stream, at first made of smooth pebbles,[http:///granite.html] flows between granite rocks whose harsh lines are softened by prostrate conifers. 75. And that granite obelisk is the Bunker Hill Monument which you will have learnt about in school. 76. The square, severe face had softened, although the ill-shaved chin still looked like granite. 77. There's a little white-washed room on the campus with a dirty great lump of granite in the middle. 78. From the outside the columns were designed to look like solid granite blocks on top of one another. 79. Its inner row of granite columns supports a circular inner wall which is pierced by eight narrow high arches. 80. It was a 3, 000-foot granite slab, rising in total isolation from a flat plain. 81. The most commonly used rocks are those composed of silica, quartz, granite, slate, and other similarly stable materials. 82. She shook herself slightly and took a final look down the proud granite staircase towards the traffic. 83. The granite was gradually being dyed carmine by the progress of the dying sun. 84. Granite, rich in silica, is the most abundant acidic rock. 85. The blocks of high land are masses of granite, called batholiths, except Exmoor which is made of sandstone. 86. This was the major period of emplacement of granite intrusions which resulted in the growth of the Western Cordillera. 87. Could this be caused by something in granite chippings which are used for drainage in the bed. 88. Hatchet-faced, tough as the city's granite, Yevdoxia plumped herself down at Anna's side. 89. With its direct start, it provides some 210m of varied climbing on perfect, blocky granite. 90. A monumental granite drinking fountain towered up, with battered, insanitary metal cups hanging from it by chains.