快好知 kuaihz

1. She's performing at a nightclub in Paris. 2. Singers performing Mozart's operas often dress in/wear historical costume. 3. They are performing an attempt of a rescue. 4. They are performing his play / piano concerto tonight. 5. She gets an obvious thrill out of performing. 6. He tried to rejuvenate himself by performing physical exercises each day. 7. The bank isn't performing as well as some of its competitors. 8. Bach is credited with performing the first solo on a piano. 9. Chenier and the band are performing at the Silver Palace tomorrow. 10. He is performing his ablutions. 11. She was most zealous in performing her duties. 12. She is doing a course in the performing arts. 13. He's performing in company with saxophonist Ernie Watts. 14. He began performing in the early fifties. 15. They're appearing/performing twice nightly at the Playhouse Theatre. 16. His secret hobby: performing magic tricks. 17. The surgeon is performing an eye operation. 18. He showed great facility in performing task. 19. The butterflies were performing aerial gyrations. 20. She'smuch happier performing live than in a recording studio. 21. The council plans to ban circuses with performing animals. 22. task We'll soon have robots performing simple everyday tasks. 23. The birds were performing a complex mating ritual. 24. The economy is performing well. 25. Surgeons are performing operations in tents by torchlight. 26. The group will be performing live on tonight's show. 27. They're performing at a local pub gig. 28. The engine seems to be performing well. 29. She will be performing at the piano. 30. The young players all seemed very well grounded in the rich history of the music they were performing.