快好知 kuaihz

61, Hanoi is famous for pho, a steaming noodle soup flavored with cilantro and lime. 62, IBM is also turning its attention and earmarking funds to develop relationships with the University of Technology in Ho Chi Minh City and the College of Technology in Hanoi. 63, Today you can now fly direct from Kunming to Yangon, Hanoi, Hong Kong and Singapore. 64, Tower of Hanoi is a typical problem that can only be solved using recursive method. 65, Institute of National Nuclear Research ( Vien Nang Luong Nguyen Tu ): 67 Nguyen Du St , Hanoi; f .1979. 66, Vietnam National General Export - Import Co ( TGeneralexim ) : 46 Ngo Quyen , Hanoi ; tel. 57555 . 67, The most classic Tower of Hanoi recursive algorithm, in addition to a maze of recursion. 68, But on her arrival in Hanoi, the US secretary of state found herself in the midst of a flare-up in smouldering Sino-Japanese relations that eclipsed the rest of the summit. 69, Obviously Hanoi would not show its full hand until Le Duc Tho was on the scene. 70, At the least, the mood music from Ulan Bator was very much less discordant than it was in Hanoi. 71, Institute of Research in Musicology and Choreography : 32 Nguyen Thai Hoc St, Hanoi; f .1976. 72, Hanoi Tower Problem is a typical recursion question, whose solution is mentioned in many books on computation, but there is little concrete realization for them.