快好知 kuaihz

1 Reverend Jones has moved to a new church. 2 The Reverend William Cronshaw delivered/preached the sermon. 3 Communion was celebrated by the Reverend John Harris. 4 His faith that men such as the Reverend John Leale tried to do their best is unshaken. 5 Our worship today is led by the Reverend John Parker. 6 A reverend gentleman is here to see you. 7 The service was led by the Reverend Jim Simons. 8 You have a visitor,[www.] Reverend Mother. 9 The Reverend Mother will see you now. 10 The Reverend William Spooner used to produce spoonerisms such as 'a scoop of boy trouts', instead of what he had meant to say - 'a troop of boy scouts'. 11 The self - styled ` Reverend 'Harper is not a real clergyman at all. 12 Reverend Peters was nominated for the honour by colleagues at Walworth Methodist Church. 13 Reverend Edwards is the new prison chaplain. 14 Do you remember Reverend Ward? 15 The Reverend Canon Something-or-the-other was rounding it off. 16 Reverend Sonny Lara is well-known for his oratory. 17 Is it Reverend, the Reverend, Mr, Mrs, or what? 18 The reverend was on his way to Rome. 19 Reverend Pinkerton will conduct her first service on this Sunday. 20 Reverend Leonard Hendry has joined the dole queues in Tewkesbury. 21 He walked in there a reverend and walked out a prophet. 22 The Reverend Mr Enders asked permission to speak on her behalf. 23 The Reverend Richard Rowland Ward, who built the hall in 1821, must have been a desperately romantic character. 24 Reverend Stamina Jones was a tall, stately, white-haired man with clear eyes in an extremely dark round face. 25 So I spoke, and the reverend prayed and we all trooped out again. 26 And Reverend Michael Jeffrey said he couldn't beleive his son would go into the barn of his own free will. 27 Reverend Sawyer says like everything else, his church is being hit by the recession. 28 The young and kindly bearded Reverend had tissue creases of sad worry round his eyes. 29 The Reverend Mr Enders had assaulted the city fathers with his pleas and cries to spare her life. 30 The march was headed by the Reverend Martin Luther King.