快好知 kuaihz

(1) Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested. (2) There is little evidence to support these hypotheses. (3) A number of hypotheses have been put forward. (4) None of the hypotheses can be rejected at this stage. (5) These are not just interesting hypotheses or bright ideas. (6) Sometimes sharply contrasting hypotheses can seem equally plausible. (7) By the mid-1980s well over a hundred hypotheses had been put forward to explain the forest decline. (8) This reviews situations, provides evidence on hypotheses and surveys client and other groups. (9) It enables us to formulate hypotheses about relationships among the different components of culture and to test these hypotheses empirically. (10) In formulating and testing hypotheses, method makes the decision rules and the rejection of rival hypotheses explicit. (11) A number of hypotheses drawn from the previous work of the investigators will be used to structure the analysis. (12) Six of her seven hypotheses were supported by strong evidence. (13) Some researchers have argued that hypotheses are formulated before the review of literature formally begins. (14) The exploratory design is used to accumulate data in order to formulate more precise hypotheses and research questions. (15) As the parse progresses down the input the incorrect hypotheses should fail; thereby reducing the search space to be explored. (16) This new problem calls for the invention of new hypotheses, followed by renewed criticism and testing. (17) The scores used by the computational systems discriminate between hypotheses in two ways. (18) The enterprise of science consists in the proposal of highly falsifiable hypotheses, followed by deliberate and tenacious attempts to falsify them. (19) The history of astronomy also disclosed a succession of hypotheses, which made claims for physical truth look precarious. (20) However, the grammar must be able to correctly distinguish word hypotheses or the number of paths will grow exponentially. (21) This approach took the form of an attempt to rationalize phenomena and explain them within the framework of general hypotheses. (22) Galileo was even prepared to give the Bible jurisdiction over scientific hypotheses that had not been rigorously demonstrated. (23) Moreover it may sometimes be the case that the acoustic input is simply insufficient to discriminate between hypotheses. (24) In our day-to-day lives, including day-to-day scientific lives, we have little need of such confirmed hypotheses. (25) In terms of the Chart this means controlling the order in which hypotheses are taken off the Agenda and added to the search space. (26) Beginning with the phenomena of sense, and by the use of our explanatory framework, we form hypotheses about their causes. (27) No magnetic sense organ has been identified, but two hypotheses have been put forward. (28) He did not typically employ elaborate statistics to test hypotheses or use control groups in his research. (29) In either case, the term lacks the generative force to stimulate investigation and to produce verifiable hypotheses. (30) What we have done amounts to a series of experiments intended to test some of these hypotheses.