快好知 kuaihz

1, A gas lamp gave out a pale yellowish light. 2, The paper had a yellowish tinge because it was so old. 3, The oil lamp gave out a pleasant yellowish light. 4, In California, pines suffer from yellowish flecking due to ozone pollution and Los Angeles is notorious for its thick ozone smogs. 5, Upperparts spangled with grey or yellowish or black; no white on nape; underparts in breeding plumage largely black. 6, The falls of the flowers are a delicate yellowish green veined with slate blue. 7, The fading colours and yellowish transparent appearance are clear indications of iron chlorosis caused by deficiencies in iron and trace elements. 8, The fish is dark green on top, with yellowish sides. 9, The bartender left a glass of cloudy, yellowish water in front of him and stood back. 10, Jack saw the cat first, yellowish orange and brown and curled up on some hay, and quiet. 11, I suspect the yellowish colour is due to the pollution in the air-our own man-made pollution. 12, Sometimes they have an ugly yellowish look to them, as if the ulcer is filled with pus. 13, They are greenish gray to yellowish with many large round dark spots. 14, White, yellowish and orange lights the size of a baseball have been reported moving around, sometimes performing aerobatics. 15, The white or yellowish inflorescence consists of two to five spikes. 16, The yellowish brown smoke fumed up and swirled. 17, Appearance: Yellowish green crystalline powder. 18, His trousers are yellowish - bottle green. 19, His lips were colorless, his teeth looked yellowish. 20, Appearance: Yellowish powder, no impurity naked eye can see. 21, North American fern with narrow fronds on yellowish leafstalks. 22, I realized that Minna was wearing an elegant new yellowish fur coat. 23, He went to the head in the middle of the night to study the fluid, a dreadful yellowish drip. 24, On this gloomy autumn day, there were gray and yellowish skies lowering over the rooftops of Warsaw. 25, There are distinct forms, each with its own beautiful shade of brilliant emerald, sap, and yellowish green. 26, Then look at each one very carefully, removing any yellowish pieces, which may give the finished dish a bitter taste. 27, What looked like flour-sacks were piled in one section of it, and the floor was dusted with yellowish powder. 28, The adult male's back and flanks are azure blue, shading to yellowish on the belly. 29, He scanned the horizon and saw on the edge of the sky the familiar yellowish stain. 30, It is of type F5, and theoretically should be yellowish, but to me it always looks pure white.