快好知 kuaihz

1) For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals. 2) The maximum load for this elevator is eight persons. 3) The maximum load for this truck is ten ton. 4) Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine. 5) There is a maximum length of 2 500 words. 6) For maximum effect do the exercises every day. 7) The car has a maximum speed of 120 mph. 8) The sound has reached its maximum. 9) What's the maximum amount of wine you're allowed to take through customs duty - free ? 10) To minimize collateral damage maximum precision in bombing was required. 11) The bomb was designed to cause the maximum amount of damage. 12) Do not exceed the recommended maximum of three tablets a day. 13) The offence carries a maximum prison sentence of ten years. 14) Under planning law the maximum height for a fence or hedge is 2 metres. 15) Laws stipulate the maximum interest rate that banks can charge. 16) During the court hearing, the prosecutor said she would seek maximum prison sentences. 17) The judges gave her the maximum rating on style. 18) He is using his talents to the maximum. 19) The judge made an example of him and gave him the maximum possible sentence. 20) What is the maximum allowable number of users on the network? 21) There will be minimums and maximums for how much "experience" the player can get on one match. 22) As Figure 2 indicates, there are two absolute maximums that may be exceeded under certain conditions. 23) A one-to-one association is one in which the maximums of each of its multiplicities are one. 24) Sir Win replied that the payments were absolute maximums and subject to performance targets. 25) Instead, price maximums provide stark psychological reminders of how attentive Chinese authorities are to inflated property markets. 26) On account of the users of VAE emulsion, we have studied on the effects of Plasticizer on viscosity of VAE emulsion. And have had the DBP adding maximums . 27) The atmosphere is crackling - both men are hitting maximums for fun and Davies is starting to look very confident. 28) There are two reasons why traditional management theory and practice are limited to achieving minimums, not maximums. 29) He also suggested checking your credit limit before a trip, since banks have reduced credit limits for some cardholders; travel expenses can push up against those maximums. 30) So on the face of it, that makes price maximums appear draconian - particularly since market values in China are often far higher.