smoked造句(181) They served smoked salmon, cream cheese and bagels for brunch.
(182) He hangs on to the bark rope as his wives clamber out carrying flat baskets of headless smoked monkeys.
(183) They met for lunch in Washington Park, smoked dope with her newspaper friends, were invited together to late night parties.
(184) Other appetizers include a tuna carpaccio with arugula in a lemon dressing, and smoked salmon with celery and whole-grain mustard.
(185) Thorvald smoked his pipe while leaning on the pitchfork and talked about his coming marriage, his fourth.
(186) Creative chefs top potatoes with smoked salmon or caviar, or shred raw potatoes as a coating for baked fish or shrimp.
(187) I lived on fast food, I smoked, I drank, I did drugs.
(188) He gave her food to eat, and watched her, while he quietly smoked a cigarette.
(189) Charles smoked his way through half a packet of Gauloises while John told his story.
(190) Gustave washed his face in a canvas pail; a jackal howled; he smoked a pipe.
(191) It can be explained by citing earlier physical differences; perhaps Jones jogged while Smith smoked.
(192) A house speciality is the Royal Double Gloucester omelette filled with smoked salmon.
(193) Gravadlax makes a delicious alternative to smoked salmon and is the raw fish marinated with plenty of herbs, especially dill.
(194) Then he sat down on the floor beside her and smoked his pipe.
(195) The young women smoked cigarettes and did the work of men.
(196) Subjects who normally smoked or drank were allowed to continue doing so throughout their quarantine.
(197) Cannabis, when smoked, has to be inhaled very deeply to get its mood-altering effects.
(198) Note: Ask the butcher or deli person to cut the smoked meat for you in one thick slice.
(199) She wore smocked Liberty dresses and sandals and smoked in the street, considered very daring.
(200) The tuna tartare with chopped avocado, the clam chowder with smoked bacon and the giant Louisiana prawns were all a hit.
(201) All three started smoking as teens, smoked for decades, and claimed to have tried unsuccessfully to quit.
(202) Smoked, cooked sausages are prepared from cured meats or the sausage mixture is cured during sausage making.
(203) He smoked constantly and his clothes were always smeared with cigarette ash.
(204) Everyone she knew smoked marijuana, and many tried hallucinogens, too.
(205) One of the most interesting was made of smoked turkey, provolone, and sun-dried tomatoes grilled on Three-Pepper Bread.
(206) Gravadlax can be more expensive than the best smoked salmon.
(207) As the youth smoked a cigarette, shadows fell across his face.
(208) If you've smoked 30 a day for 20 years, is it worth giving up?
(209) I see the flash-gun flaring out from behind smoked glass windows.
(210) But there are no major studies that meet scientific criteria about the comparative medicinal benefits of smoked marijuana.