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61. Now, I am expanding my Twitter life by creating an account just for the developerWorks open source zone. 62. Twitter will help you find unexpired coupons for domain names as well as thousands of other products. 63. Screen shot of a Twitter page, with an overlay, asking the user to deny or allow the MyTtWebClient to access and update data on Twitter. 64. What with tabbing between Gmail, Twitter, Facebook and Google News,[http:///twitter.html] it's a wonder anyone gets their work done. 65. Matt: Matt, which stands for Multi Account Twitter Tweeter, is a colorful and simple Twitter app that just lets you update multiple accounts from the Web. 66. Speculation is running rampant at the 27th Sun Valley conference over which company might want to buy Twitter. 67. Shortly after the Egyptian turmoil began, Google established a call-in line on which Egyptians could leave a voicemail, which could then be turned into messages distributed on Twitter. 68. Assuming that a network connection to the public Internet is available when run (and that Twitter hasn't changed its public API), this test should pass with flying colors. 69. The Simon Wiesenthal Centre, which keeps information on Nazi war criminals, has more than 2, 000 "fans" on its Facebook page and also uses Twitter. 70. Meme uses the same one-way follow system as Twitter, and items from users you follow will appear in your stream, mixed in with your own items. 71. Mobile is really exciting as our goal is to make Twitter essential to everyone's lives. 72. Robin Goad, a research director at Hitwise who has analysed Twitter growth, said businesses were definitely starting to sign up to the micro-blogging service. 73. Nambu also includes Twitter trends, saved searches, filters, link aggregation, and groups. 74. I don't think that RSS is going away or that Twitter will replace it (as some people are arguing around the web), but I do believe that in someways Twitter will complement RSS. 75. According to new figures released by Microsoft , the computer firm, Facebook and Twitter checks are now as important in the job selection process as a CV or interview. 76. Keith Olbermann demanded a Palin repudiation and the founder of the Daily Kos wrote on Twitter: "Mission Accomplished, Sarah Palin." 77. Twitter, Facebook and SMS (Short Message Service) helped Moldovan protesters coordinate and mobilize in a remarkably short time during the 2009 parlimentary elections. 78. He doesn't use Twitter or Facebook ("I suppose I'm a bit of a fuddy-duddy") but his day revolves around breaking news, live business channels and his new iPad 2. 79. It's one of life's great misfortunes that vaunted enemies didn't have Twitter around as a weapon. 80. Such is the fascination with all things Apple that blogs are humming with speculation and a new mention of the tablet crops up on Twitter around every eight minutes. 81. Type: Thirty-second webcam recordings or video uploads that appear in a video bubble over the Twitter web interface. 82. Many different Twitter accounts rank highly in my traffic statistics on this blog. 83. Make no mistake: For hours, thousands of people were able to take control of other people's Twitter accounts with a trick so easy that even the newest Twitterer could execute it. 84. Kazunori Yamauchi Twitter account stated "Be fixed in the next update. Sorry for the inconvenience over." 85. Birds had begun to chirp and twitter among the trees. 86. Twitter has become the virtual heart monitor of civil societyactivists across the country; a silence of a few hours is enough to spread the news of a likely arrest by the police. 87. "Man I love Twitter ... I've always been at the mercy of the press but no more ... The media tried to demonize me, " he tweeted Saturday. 88. A number of people on twitter and elsewhere (including my grad student, Austen) alerted me to an interesting story making its way across the interwebs. 89. Instantly, Twitter was atwitter with speculation about whether the show of emotion by the "weeper of the House" was genuine. 90. Ginx appears to be a people and news recommendation service built out of a Twitter publishing tool and a URL shortener.