tier造句31. These could form a top tier of targets which could be developed for application to individual businesses.
32. Statues by the hundred sat around and above him, tier upon curving tier.
33. The first tier uses bacteria and two types of mammalian cell culture to detect mutations in genes and breaks in chromosomes.
34. Verio supports its operations with highly reliable and scalable national infrastructure and systems including a Tier 1 national network.
35. Without having to think twice, I called up the cable company and added an extra tier of channels.
36. Green Belt functions were transferred to the lower tier authorities who are now required to prepare unitary development plans for their areas.
37. What is needed is the urgent introduction of single tier training schemes of shortened duration with wastage rates of around 10%.
38. In the 1983 to 1987 Parliament, we removed the metropolitan upper tier.
39. When the London Stock Exchange's new third tier market started up, most punters were interested.
40. Mason occupied two spaces on a tier of seats normally reserved for the board of directors and important visitors.
41. As a result a third, lower tier to the court system, the police courts, was added in 1843.
42. Must we take a fund soas to avoid having our patients condemned to the lower tier of a two tier service?
43. I suppose I could have joined in except I was on the second tier of the other stand.
44. There is also a third tier of parish councils, with minimal powers.
45. She brought the square glass ashtray with the name Oglethorpe College-I 898 closer to tier.
46. Look especially for the frieze of statues on the upper tier.
47. The lowest tier of planks cleared his head by at least a foot.
48. The lowest officials on the administrative tier were the village headmen, who were normally men of substance.
49. Of those, 71% moved to a top tier auditor while only 8% moved away from the largest firms.
50. The lowest tier on the tea tray holds four glass containers of jams and custard and the promise of scones to come.
51. Without these skills, we risk creating a new tier of unregulated and unaccountable decision-making.
52. More importantly, a different tier system is developing in different parts of the country.
53. On average, the second tier outperformed the larger firms, with an average growth rate of 6%.
54. The most important developments, however, were to occur in the top tier of designated districts - the Partnerships.
55. Verio supports its operations with highly reliable and scalable national infrastructure and systems including a facilities-based Tier One national network.
56. The descent to the Main Cliff and Upper tier remains serious, but no workable remedy has been found so far.
57. Tastes for variety are assumed to be of the S-D-S form, and the upper tier utility function is Cobb-Douglas.
58. There's no point in the fund holding system unless there is a two tier system.
59. The strong economy has done little for workers at the lowest tier.
60. You could add a smaller top tier of curtains which could be drawn at night should you want complete privacy.