快好知 kuaihz

1. The department may overshoot its cash limit this year. 2. An approaching Ilyushin passenger-jet was told to overshoot as the tower lined Duncan up on the runway. 3. Many pilots undershoot or overshoot their chosen spot by large margins. 4. The budget deficit will probably overshoot its target of 5.8 percent of GDP. 5. Confirm you have enough fuel to overshoot? 6. A runaway trend can overshoot all rational expectations. 7. Derivate feedback is adopted to decrease the overshoot. 8. Under the given preliminary permissible overshoot of each state variable dynamic response, the linear optimal control law can be obtained with the algorithm presented by computer automatically. 9. Permissible overshoot, and hence minimum acceptable , depends on the application. 10. Bias affects the overshoot or undershoot of the motion through the keyframe. 11. For the overshoot is only 5 %, and the response steady state much sooner. 12. There out, the static index (steady- state error) and the dynamic index (overshoot and rise time) of auto kinetic control system can be fix on. 13. As seen in Fig. 3, both overshoot and undershoot do not appear under stress-controlled condition. 14. Pulse parameters, which include pulse amplitude, transition duration, overshoot and undershoot, are very important in electric parameters. 15. After one and a half minutes the aircraft began to overshoot, correctly making an initial turn to the west. 16. The most extreme pessimists foretell a future of demographically driven privation, environmental overshoot, and economic collapse. 17. The tower acknowledged him, once more ordering the Ilyushin to overshoot. 18. They continued their gentle turn to the right as they cursed the tower controller for making them overshoot. 19. The compass card will swing back when attitude is stabilised after the turn - Overshoot your heading. 20. I tried to turn in behind him but found that I was going to overshoot and pulled away to starboard. 21. The airbrakes can then be reduced once it is clear that the glider will not overshoot with full airbrake. 22. Also EMH now agrees that markets can undershoot or overshoot. 23. On the other hand, in the case of high strain rate, both overshoot and undershoot do not appear. 24. The heat transfer rate increases extremely quickly causing the water system temperature to overshoot. 25. The simulation results show that the simple and direct control can also reach rapid settling time without overshoot and steady-state error, and has satisfactory robust stability to model perturbation. 26. PI controller made the respond speed faster and the overshoot less. 27. And these year of auto industry is successive also overshoot 17 speed grow year. 28. When step reactivity disturbance is input to the system, the maximum overshoot of the system increases with the disturbance amplitude, and is independent of KN. 29. To make sure the stability and lower the transient overshoot of the LDO, a buffer stage is used to isolate the pass element and the output of the error amplifier. 30. The system exhibits a long response time with some overshoot.