快好知 kuaihz

1. Well before a billionth of a second had elapsed the universe started to grow exponentially. 2. Several months elapsed before his case was brought to trial. 3. Forty-eight hours have elapsed since his arrest. 4. Five months have elapsed since he joined the army. 5. A year elapsed before I heard from him again. 6. Four years have elapsed since he went to London. 7. Many years elapsed before they met again. 8. Three years have elapsed since we last met. 9. Fifteen minutes elapsed before the performance began. 10. The assignment must be completed within an overall elapsed time of one week. 11. Four years had elapsed since he left college and still he hadn't found a job. 12. Nine years elapsed before he produced his eighth symphony. 13. He is silent until 6 rounds have elapsed. 14. Thus the total elapsed time is. 15. And the chamber seemed darker beyond the elapsed time. 16. It displays maximum depth and elapsed dive time. 17. More than five years have elapsed since the kidnapping. 18. But long intervals had elapsed since many of these offences were committed. 19. I regret that due to the elapsed time it will not be possible to trace the item in question or its value. 20. A decent interval elapsed, during which we looked at each other rather anxiously. 21. A further four days had elapsed and both Patrick and Tracey were playing with the connector rods. 22. A pseudo-variable which reads and sets the elapsed time clock. 22.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 23. Every 10 seconds the display changes to show elapsed bottom time on an otherwise clear screen, to avoid confusion. 24. As soon as the 15 seconds' rest has elapsed, you must start the next exercise. 25. There was a positive correlation between the number of months elapsed since a patient's most recent attack and amylase secretion. 26. They were also asked how much total waiting time elapsed between triage and departure from the emergency room. 27. This law states that the number of atoms of a radioactive element is halved after a given amount of time has elapsed. 28. In this situation, the duration time should be reduced to a few minutes greater than the current elapsed time. 29. No objections have been received and the period for lodging objections has now elapsed. 30. Alternatively, or in addition, the manager's performance may be assessed against some criteria after a reasonable period has elapsed.