monstrous造句 121. It would kill this monstrous soul - life, and without its hideous warnings, he would be at peace. 122. Az turned him into this monstrous surface to answer his rude call. 123. Frank Castle, the Punisher was sliced to pieces by Wolverine's son, Daken and returned as the monstrous FrankenCastle. 124. What monstrous perversion of the human spirit leads a sniper to open fire on a bus carrying children?英文造句in all conscienceswitchyardoverpoweringlyCNAaplastic anaemiamckinleyMLPneutral groundhimmlerflight risksiderosisovself-hypnosispegged exchange ratespironolactonepotassium dichromaterender an accountinterior decorationsecular trendtemujinfashion cycleprice marketstatistical regressionmatrix multiplicationellisoncomity of nationsdentigerouscut-off timeexternal reference