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run away造句
61. Smith has run away from home, but his family are putting a good face on it. 62. He always tried to run away from responsibilities when an accident happened. 63. I can't let my emotions run away with me. 64. I had literally run away - from Englishness! 65. Thousands of children run away from home each year. 66. The cabdrivers had run away, the cowards. 67. He had let his imagination run away with him. 68. It was to make sure we didn't run away. 69. I wanted to scream and run away. 70. Perhaps I would run away, or starve myself to death. 71. Sandy had run away from home several times in her teens. 72. Some children even go beyond such fantasizing and actually run away in search of this ideal home. 73. And her victim had run away, and thus given herself away. 74. Lucky had run away from them on a pitch-black night in August. 75. And, if anyone needed further proof of guilt after that, Alex Household had run away from the scene of the crime. 76. But this time I really think his imagination has run away with him. 77. Had I tried to run away I should certainly have been shot in the back..... 78. If you kill the people you love - or run away from them - you only smash yourself in the end. 79. Danger - if you meet it promptly and without flinching - you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never!Winston Churchill 80. We live in a world that is competitive in spirit and action. We cannot run away from competition, and we have to pay a heavy price for being uncompetitive.Dr T.P.Chia 81. Our raft travelled so slowly that we could not run away from bad weather. 82. Most children threaten at times to run away from home. This is the only thing that keeps some parents going.Phyllis Diller 83. She was running, that was all - running as if she could run away from all the horrible things that had happened. 84. He had no intention of trying to run away from any-thing. 85. Newport looked poised to run away with it, but Bridgend refused to cave in. 86. Say that if he refused to allow us to marry you would even run away with me? 87. And sexually abused and physically battered kids run away from home. 88. One of the boys, Reuben N., had scaled a wall and run away from the workhouse. 89. Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away.Thomas Fuller 90. If I hadn't run away and made good, you'd never have been the father of Lady Firth.