in state造句121, And a law passed in 1994 requires that French translations accompany any foreign phrases in state documents, business contracts and even advertising.
122, Part 1 introduces the ascertainment of key stuff in state - owned commercial banks.
123, What could have been the real thoughts of so sad and in congruous a personality, wondered the hundreds of worshipers who filed past the body as it lay in state.
124, The movie will begin shooting in beginning of next month in State Of Louisiana's Shreveport .
125, Thus, ESOP can be seen as one path to diversifying investment in state - owned enterprises ( SOEs ).
126, Fifthly, there are three kinds of adverse selection behaviors of qualified technician in state - own enterprises.
127, And it also gets the longest suffix state in state tree derived through the constructing of the state-jump function and effectively speeds up the character matching.
128, To avoid the cumulative error problem caused by auto-overflow in state observer floating operation, the whole-integer operation was proposed to improve the control precision.
129, Officials are making preparations for President Gerald Ford's body to lie in state this weekend at the Capitol Rotunda.
130, We are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the largest trading and distributing companies operating in State of Qatar for more than 5 years.
131, The phenomenon of imperial concubines meddling in state affairs aroused my interest.
132, This rule is cyclic. So, if a cell is in state N-1 and has a state 0 neighbor, it has state 0 at the next clock tick.
133, One is rationalize the management system worked in State - owned enterprises.
134, Results and Conclusion: DCF fluorescence showed linear increase in State 4 mitochondria, which suggest ROS produced at constant rate.
135, He cautioned against the valorization of the individual and any position that acknowledges only individual rights as ideas that lend themselves to a growth in state power.
136, As an organic form of state power, parliamentarism differs greatly from people's congress system in essence, principles and position in state organization.
137, Colonel Pastukhov, is a bald, barnacled veteran of 35 years in State Security.
138, Only 221, 000 girls and 160, 000 boys are now taught in state single sex secondaries out of a total school population of more than 3.5 million.
139, The Chinese government censored reports of pro - democracy protests in state media and on the web.
140, Reagan will be the 10th former president to lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda and the first since Lyndon Johnson in 1973.
141, The ballot measure was challenged in state court, but in May 2009 it was upheld, though the State Supreme Court allowed the 18,000 same-sex marriages to stand.
142, She was the first woman in American history to lie in state at the Capitol, an honor usually reserved for Presidents of the United States.
143, In the dining-room, a long and superb gallery which was situated on the ground-floor and opened on the gardens, M. Henri Puget had entertained in state, on July 29, 1714.
144, Outside are insignia, shown in state ; But here are sweet incense - clouds , quietly ours .
145, But the biggest investor of all is Prime Minister Putin, who visited Abkhazia last summer for the war's first anniversary, and pledged $500 million in state aid to strengthen Abkhaz defense.
146, The latest is a boomlet in state laws requiring divestment from Iran.
147, The systems contain uncertainties not only in the state matrix, but also in state time-delay matrix.
148, Administrative compensation for mental damages is established in state indemnity systems by many countries while there is no explicit definition in the State Compensation Law in China.
149, Most of the anti-hookah laws now under consideration are intended to end exemptions in state indoor-smoking bans that allowed hookah bars to thrive.
150, In state estimation of satellite attitude determination, both traditional extended Kalman filter (EKF) and the proposed nonlinear predictive filter (NPF) have their own merits and defects.