electron造句61 A rendezvous also would have permitted researchers to study the effects of electron emissions from the shuttle on the satellite.
62 Miller separated photosynthesis membranes from the purple bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas viridis, and has now determined their 3-D structure by electron microscopy.
63 The single electron then occupies the lower orbital, d z 2, and the overall energy of the system is reduced.
64 What happens is that a matter particle, such as an electron or a quark, emits a force-carrying particle.
65 Massless electron neutrinos playing at being heavy tau neutrinos might help solve either or both.
66 Computer simulated graphics of these species show electron density delocalised across three centres.
67 The radar reveals a number of poleward-moving regions in which the electron temperature is elevated by a factor of 1.5.
68 Specialist image analysis equipment for light and electron microscope images also require interfacing with powerful computers.
69 It was from that programme that the notion of the electron emerged.
70 Either way, when seen through an electron microscope, the result is often one of startling and beautiful variety in miniature.
71 The rules can be divided into those concerned with electron spin and those related to orbital properties.
72 In Class I compounds, electron transfer between the centers is slow, and the sites behave as if they were effectively independent.
73 These bacteria use molecular hydrogen as well as other electron donors, for the dissimilatory reduction of sulphate to sulphide.
74 If none of the light bounced off the electron into the microscope there would be nothing to see.
75 Species that use molecular H 2 as an electron donor in the gut belong to the genera Desulfovibrio and Desulfobulbus.
76 For scanning electron microscopy, the tissues were left in the fixative for 3 hours at room temperature.
77 Baranowski and his team attribute this to a layered arrangement of atoms - visible in the electron microscope.
78 The chlorophyll traps make up their electron deficiency by grabbing them from water molecules sited close by.
79 Before a virus particle is prepared for the electron microscope it must be made static.
80 The neutrino is produced in the beta decay of nuclei, when a neutron converts into a proton, and an electron.
81 Transmission electron microscopy was used to analyse the morphological features of the growing cells.
82 A basic example occurs in an electron beam - so important in television and radio.
83 Even physics does not understand the nature of an electron and electrical charge.
84 Then came that great morning when the newly made electron microscope had been used on polio slides.
85 Electron microscopy showed typical gall bladder epithelia with microvilli, tight junctions, and mucus droplets.
86 For species with more than one d electron, things are much more complicated.
87 The small intestinal mucosa was studied by histology, morphometry, biochemistry, and electron microscopy.
88 The W then decays to an electron and a neutrino.
89 Richman then took the tissues to an electron microscope, which offers powers of magnification great enough to see viruses themselves.
90 Sodium has a strong tendency to lose an electron and become the positively charged ion Na.