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factor in造句
61. A second and equally important impact of the time factor in making oil-backout investments is inflationary rises in capital costs. 62. On the other hand fetch is the limiting factor in the height of waves generated by easterly winds over the North Sea. 63. It could be suggested that this is one determining factor in whether teachers are able to effect and sustain change. 64. According to our finding caerulein infused at supramaximal dose increased the production of platelet activating factor in the pancreatic tissue by about nine-fold. 65. It is clear that the unidentified factor in this example is climate. 66. Natural selection, the cumulative development of more efficient replicators in a competitive situation, is certainly an important factor in evolution. 67. The present research is based on the premise that family style of emotional expression is a key factor in this respect. 68. A crucial factor in this does seem to have been changes in the role of women within the family. 69. The make-or-break factor in this delicate post-course period is the attitude of the person's immediate superior. 70. The Masters invariably coincides with a wind chill factor in this country. 71. Simple belief is often the determining factor in economic matters. 72. The content of platelet activating factor in pancreatic tissue was determined using bioassay technique with washed rabbit platelets as described previously. 73. The threat of lawsuits by itself is a major factor in driving up health care costs. Significant changes are definitely needed. 74. In other words, the disposition of the reader is a factor in moving along the cline in either direction. 75. This is because the key factor in their diet is the amount of seafood they eat daily. 76. Social Interaction Another factor in cognitive development is social interaction. 77. Social scientists who study domestic violence and daily witness such evil do not seriously consider evil as a factor in family violence. 78. A shortage of organ donors continues to be the main limiting factor in most types of transplantation. 79. Another major limiting factor in excavation is the subjective nature of the excavation process. 80. Having founded Fort Victoria in 1843, he was sent there as chief factor in 1849. 81. Within the same language, text type seems to be an important factor in determining the choice of pattern. 82. In other words, the division of labor is also a key factor in the development of new technology. 83. The key factor in this decision will invariably be money. 84. Boys and Girls A complicating factor in recruitment for church choirs may be the boy/girl issue. 85. Gender is also a particularly important factor in determining whether or not individuals are supported or prevented in their attempts to live independently. 86. What makes the failure devastating is that education is probably the most important factor in determining human development. 87. At some level they still cling to the idea that tender loving care is the only factor in raising kids. 88. Another factor in judicial decisions is the interaction within the court itself. 89. We, as others, believe that Microsoft will be a big factor in shaping the on-line market. 90. They therefore concluded that a lack of social relationships was a causal factor in the onset of neurosis.