快好知 kuaihz

(181) There is an inherent difficulty in that often the main dividend from a task analysis is from the act of obtaining it. (182) The young Communist shop steward had no difficulty in obtaining the first two warning notes. (183) The plant can be reproduced by obtaining bud plants from dormant buds on the rhizome, but reproduction is usually from seeds. (184) Excuses vary from difficulties in obtaining payment to the daunting prospect of completing export documentation. (185) One of the major factors creating difficulties in obtaining information is randomness in the external environment facing the firm. (186) The deal is conditional on the supermarket group obtaining planning consent to build a store on the site. (187) However, the department says it can do nothing about people with questionable disabilities legitimately obtaining a placard. (188) On his arrest for burglary, he admitted to all his previous offences with the sole aim of obtaining a custodial sentence. (189) Sales Desk staff would be able to talk to customers and simultaneously operate a VDU obtaining instant information. (190) Denial by the physically abused person is another barrier to obtaining accurate figures. (191) A statutory demand is one of the statutorily prescribed prerequisites to obtaining remedies afforded to creditors by a bankruptcy order. (192) The accused was charged with obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception. (193) Southern Water had not yet set in train the expensive process of obtaining Agrement Board approval. (194) Youth enters the world with very happy prejudices in her own favor. She imagines herself not only certain of accomplishing every adventure, but of obtaining those rewards which the accomplishment may deserve. She is not easily persuaded to believe that the force of merit can be resisted by obstinacy and avarice, or its luster darkened by envy and malignity.Samuel Johnson (195) Obtaining equity financing, by contrast, could be accomplished through more traditional managerial approaches. (196) That is, did the person acquiring the subject-matter think that he was obtaining hardware or software? (197) A Scandinavian study uses a randomisation scheme which will probably prevent the group from obtaining a scientifically valuable result. (198) Some good foresters were at present obtaining 60% of their income from the sale of timber so there was room for better management. (199) While it survived, it served a useful function in obtaining agreement on some economic questions such as currency convertibility and capital transfers. (200) Colin Amies, electronics industry adviser at Midland Bank, says that obtaining equity finance is often more important. (201) It is apparent that obtaining enough water is problematic. (202) the lengthy process of obtaining a visa. (203) She had the slightest inkling of her husband's motive in obtaining this ticket. (204) Production Specification: Obtaining from natural biologic gene, bringing 100 % flash and color, creating glittering lips. (205) To obtaining the website of accredit, nature can broadcast relevant video. (206) Finally obtaining the research conclusion and pointing out the insufficiency. (207) The probability of obtaining a lattice atom displacement via the phonon kick process is evidently small. (208) The young clerk got into hot water for handing over the documents without obtaining a receipt. (209) The procedure described above for obtaining the gain defies simple analytical approaches. (210) You may have to be the sacrificial lamb in obtaining concessions from our opponents.