快好知 kuaihz

1 She leapt over the fence. 2 We leapt over the stream. 3 The tiger leapt at the hunter. 4 A dolphin leapt out of the water. 5 He leapt into the river. 6 The cat leapt from the chair. 7 He cracked the whip and the horse leapt forward. 8 She shrieked and leapt from the bed. 9 The dog leapt over the fence. 10 The horse leapt a five-foot wall. 11 He leapt into the car and drove like a maniac to the hospital. 12 The dog leapt forward,but it failed to clear the fence. 13 When her brother was criticized she leapt to his defence. 14 He leapt into the river and saved the child from drowning. 15 He leapt out of his car and ran towards the house. 16 The despairing girl went to the well and leapt in. 17 He leapt onto the train just as it was pulling away. 18 Stephen leapt up and caught the ball in one hand. 19 He leapt to his friend's defence. 20 She leapt out of bed. 21 He leapt 27 places to second spot. 22 With a howl he leapt at his foe. 23 My heart leapt at the news. 24 A man leapt out brandishing a kitchen knife. 25 She leapt at the chance to go to America. 26 A good idea just leapt into my mind. 27 They leapt to stardom with their first record. 28 Shares in the company leapt 250%. 29 He leapt out of bed. 30 The dog leapt and wagged its tail in excitement.