decided造句31. The police decided not to prosecute.
32. The head company decided to locate in Qingdao.
33. He decided to debut with several other violinists.
34. We've decided to negotiate a loan with them.
35. I have decided to invest in a new car.
36. She has decided on art as a career.
37. They have decided to ring down on their marriage.
38. He decided to accelerate his output.
39. I decided that I did not love you.
40. We've decided not to go away after all.
41. The family decided to assist me with my chores.
42. They decided to revegetate in the backyard.
43. They decided to attack their enemy's southern flank.
44. They decided against taking legal action.
45. Peter decided on a blue sweater.
46. It was decided the school should purchase new software.
47. The nations of western Europe decided to unite.
48. They decided to offer the job to Jo.
49. He's decided to leave tomorrow, no matter what.
50. I have decided to adopt a child.
51. I decided to enrol for 'Art for Beginners'.
52. They have decided to remove to a warm climate.
53. He decided to rent the house.
54. They decided against a picnic in the park.
55. I psyched it all out by myself and decided.
56. I decided to beat a hasty retreat.
57. Local people have decided to revive this centuries-old tradition.
58. They decided to call the baby Brooklyn.
59. Bill and I have decided to part company.
60. We finally decided to stay where we were.