drop in造句91. Also similar is the absence of a large drop in production in the immediate years after the land reforms in these countries.
92. He outclasses the nerdy Damon, and the picture suffers a drop in voltage when Law is off-screen.
93. It had an immediate effect, causing a long term, and dramatic drop in the Club's profits.
94. With 2m men and women in uniform, a 60,000-strong force is just a drop in the ocean.
95. With the country now in recession and the drop in new car sales accelerating quickly, Lamont has few options.
96. Services had 30, 736 fewer unemployed, the biggest drop in nominal terms of any group.
97. Scientists had discovered that a sudden drop in cabin pressure had caused some types of implants to swell rapidly.
98. However, it is possible to lose weight and not suffer a large drop in metabolic rate.
99. The Socialists suffered a sharp drop in votes and seats.
100. Then let the solution cool down, being careful not to let any dust drop in.
101. Cuts in salaries, bonuses and overtime payments have reduced many family-incomes and caused a sharp drop in consumer spending.
102. The drop in the black vote was estimated to be more than one hundred thousand.
103. The technical geniuses he is talking about are a drop in the bucket of the total immigration picture.
104. Government statistics showed a small drop in the annual rate of inflation.
105. The decline was in part due to a sharp drop in gasoline prices.
106. But try to balance the problems against the drop in your labor costs.
107. To compound the problem, a drop in battery power corrupted the software programme which controlled the radio itself.
108. There was a far less marked drop in overseas membership.
109. It made it that much harder for the Washington press corps to drop in and snoop.
110. Copper producers were down on a drop in copper prices.
111. The present drop in overseas students on top of this is having a devastating effect on the school's finances.
112. This suggests a major drop in popularity, and it would be interesting to look at the circulation figures.
113. The drop in salary for part time work is perfectly logical and acceptable, though not widely appreciated by colleagues.
114. But with no corresponding drop in birthrates the population line was propelled into the demographic stratosphere.
115. The program likely is to shutter 34 senior centers, where elderly people drop in and get a noon meal.
116. The day was a huge success, despite a small drop in attendance figures.
117. The trade gap looks appalling and it may take some time before we see a significant drop in consumer spending.
118. The drop in inflation took every City commentator by surprise.
119. Does he agree that hill farmers had a substantial drop in income in recent years?
120. Hays Allen itself registered a 2.7% drop in fee income to £6.8m for the year to 30 April.