快好知 kuaihz

1. The ceremony opened with a fanfare of trumpets. 2. The new building was opened with great fanfare in January 1895. 3. The royal couple arrived to a fanfare of trumpets. 4. A fanfare of trumpets will sound for the Queen. 5. The deal was announced with much fanfare. 6. A trumpet fanfare sounded and the procession began. 6.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 7. A fanfare was played as the queen entered. 8. A fanfare signalled the entrance of the king. 9. The company was privatised with a fanfare of publicity. 10. The new century will begin amid much fanfare worldwide. 11. Despite the fanfare of publicity that accompanied its launch, his latest novel sold only a few hundred copies. 12. The royal visitor was saluted by a fanfare of trumpets. 13. A fanfare of trumpets heralded the arrival of the King. 14. The new perfume was launched amidst a fanfare of publicity. 15. Goldin resigned last week with little fanfare. 16. But unless you see some serious fanfare, sit tight. 17. With fanfare, a program of water conservation was launched. 18. The album was released in June with little fanfare. 19. With great fanfare, the first players in the United States were sold in 1983. 20. It was launched last February amid great fanfare and made stops in six cities, staying at least a month in each. 21. The first two levels of Fanfare concentrate on developing listening and speaking skills, while reading and writing are introduced gradually. 22. The fanfare seized up on its first chord and then seemed to fall over itself, collapsing in a welter of notes. 23. A wreath was laid on the monument to a fanfare of trumpets. 24. Early results from the landmark trial were first released six months ago to great fanfare. 25. It is worth arriving at midday for a positive fanfare. 26. At seven-thirty of the next morning clock the mighty Leviathan gasped its way into Edinburgh Central without any fanfare whatsoever. 27. This was a transition that took place without a lot of fanfare. 28. In the early 1980s, the Times-Mirror Company introduced teletext services, called Gateway, with much fanfare. 29. And he has failed to develop a mature political persona since he parachuted with fanfare into the national arena last autumn. 30. But more meaningful research has come along since then, with far less fanfare.