glacial造句31. But we are no longer limited by the glacial rate of natural genetic innovation.
32. At the base there is a locally derived ground moraine that may be a remnant glacial deposit of much greater antiquity.
33. Davis, himself, paved the way for this when he admitted the existence of arid and glacial cycles of erosion.
34. However, humanity could survive a glacial; its chances of surviving a runaway greenhouse effect are much more slender.
35. Thus practically every boring seems to vindicate the subsidence theory and to provide evidence against the Glacial Control theory.
36. Although there are certain features not readily explicable by subsidence, we can not revert wholly to the Glacial Control theory.
37. No manic chopping through the greensward and chipping glacial boulders down to size.
38. I am thinking geologic time, or at the very briefest, glacial.
39. Some unnecessarily tricky camera work early on is taxing, as is the film's glacial pace.
40. Change occurs at a glacial pace.
41. It was glacial blue and as clear as springwater.
42. She gave me a glacial smile.
43. The Duchess's glare was glacial.
44. There were evidences of glacial action on the rocks.
45. When Will the Earth Enter the Next Glacial Period?
46. Ice age refers to the latest glacial epoch.
47. The U - shape of some glacial valleys may be due also to deposition.
48. During the last glacial period the sea level was low and the terrestrial matters transported into the southern SCS increased and the ecologic environment in the studied sea area deteriorated.
49. Such processes may include impact cratering, volcanism, glacial and periglacial geomorphology.
50. This glacial lake is bound by the glacier snout on one end, and a moraine—a mound formed by the accumulation of sediments and rocks moved by the glacier—on the other.
51. I am crossed gingerlily shed the brook with glacial classics, in jumping into crevasse next.
52. There is even a red algae that grows on glacial snow, for a warm, rosy effect.
53. Fish glacial delicacy basically is hairtail, breed yellow croaker, pomfret, flatfish, mullet, Spanish mackerel to wait.
54. Variation of planktonic foraminiferal fauna in the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) since the last glacial and its respondence to global changes are discussed.
55. We have enjoyed 12, 000 years of climate peace since the last shift from a glacial age to an interglacial one.
56. Their correspondent principal geomorphologic processes are water erosion, thawing erosion and glacial erosion.
57. However, during the Pleistocene glacial epoch, the melting water of the Pleistocene glaciers could form some small- scale karst caves along the margin of the glacial valley in the limestone mountains.
58. The highlight of this celebration of folk dancing, yodeling, and Alpine sports is the Steinstossen, the throwing of the Unspunnen Stone, a 184-pound (83-kilogram) glacial boulder .
59. Each change was equivalent to the difference between glacial and interglacial temperatures - but none of these episodes coincided with the hominin "golden age".
60. Two thirds of the continent is covered in ice during glacial period.