self-determination造句31 On another level, de Gaulle's public recognition of self-determination and the option of independence opened up new possibilities for negotiation.
32 It is about a principle for which people have been fighting and dying for centuries - the indisputable right to self-determination.
33 The polio patient's equal right to self-determination should not be denied merely because he is helpless.
34 Decolonization was associated with the spread of ideologies of national self-determination and ultimately the near-universality of the sovereign nation-state.
35 Ultimately this is a question as to the proper limits of self-determination, as well as turning on the specific lucidity of the individual patient.
36 What is really crucial is not so much the absence of female sexuality as the limitations upon female autonomy and self-determination.
37 What is suggested is that the supposed right to self-determination may not be the creature it is thought to be.
38 Thus, one could not afford to ignore or deny the right of national self-determination.
39 They have already lost a great deal of the autonomy and self-determination they possessed under the Stormont regime.
40 On the other hand, schools are being encouraged in a much greater degree of financial and professional self-determination.
41 Four months after the self-determination speech he received a rude awakening on both scores.
42 Consent, which lies at the root of self-determination, should be the conceptual mechanism whereby the right is guaranteed and safeguarded.
43 And we also think that fairness and self-determination are things most people believe in.
44 Furthermore, the very notion of self-determination implies the need to exclude any outside pressure on a country.
45 First, there was the clear risk that particularization would feed rather than satisfy the appetite for further self-determination.
46 Wilson had made National Self-Determination the central plank of his 1916 election campaign for a second term in office.
47 Purists argued that celibacy and spinsterhood were positive acts of self-determination, in contrast to the illusory freedom of libertarianism.
48 The rise of ethnic violence throughout the Eastern bloc is unfortunately the other side of the coin to self-determination.
49 The principle of the right of national self-determination was then extended much more widely.
50 As Williams argues, these are ciphers or lay theories representing ways of life and contexts for apparent self-determination.
51 Ethically, patients are entitled to self-determination.
52 Moreover, players with softball experience showed lower self-determination, higher external control motivation and more motiveless willingness toward baseball than those without softball experience.
53 Pillay says efforts to help the nation's most disadvantaged people are being undermined by policies that have failed to recognize the right to self-determination for Australia's aborigines.
54 AmbassadorFinn is now with the Liechtenstein Institute Self-Determination in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University.
55 This article does theoretical studies to clarify the international law principle of People's self-determination and its relationship with ethnic secessionism.
56 At the same time we should be aware that there are some people, who, with their evil intention, openly advocate the splitting of sovereign states under the cloak of self-determination.
57 Tyrants' abuse of the principle of "self-determination" has been contested since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
58 News collecting, newspaper printing, issuing and other management tache are all in the control of political party. The newspapering itself has no self-determination, also, it bears no responsibility.
59 Most democratic states in the West are holding an open attitude toward self-determination or secessionism .
60 I pledged to respect their rights of self-determination, tribal sovereignty, and religious freedom, and to work hard to improve the federal government's relations with them.