快好知 kuaihz

31. Otherwise you may find the next person leaves as well and you will be involved with costly and time-consuming interview procedures again. 32. Taxi permits are limited and can be time-consuming to obtain. 33. What's you most time-consuming job as a Koi-keeper in summer? 34. The bridge across this river has collapsed, so the traveller is reliant upon a ferry, which can be time-consuming. 35. It's an end to the time-consuming low-tech method of allocation-by-voice on the radio. 36. Moulding planes are excellent to work with, but the job of producing long lengths of moulding can be very time-consuming. 37. The problem with this type of measure is that compiling the figures is a time-consuming and essentially clerical task. 38. But it's in everyone's interest to ensure that any new test is not unnecessarily time-consuming, expensive and pedantic. 39. At worst, they become a time-consuming bureaucratic substitute for the real thing. 40. Caring for a disabled child is a time-consuming, but ultimately rewarding, job. 41. He managed to fix the television, but it was a time-consuming and fiddly job. 42. Few complete bodies were subjected to this treatment as it was a time-consuming and expensive exercise. 43. This is a time-consuming task as the information on software is widely distributed between the printed and institutional sources. 44. But it will be very time-consuming for secretarial staff if there are a great many. 45. If the recording process lacks substance, is grossly time-consuming, or meaningless, then there must be major modifications. 46. There was a lack of suitably qualified staff to implement the system and it became costly and time-consuming to implement. 47. There is an important pastoral role to be played by the director, and non-musical demands can be time-consuming. 48. In the autumn, a time-consuming task is the raking up of leaves. 49. Prior to 1985 collaboration and information sharing between colleagues in different institutions was difficult, time-consuming, and costly. 50. All this begging for money was time-consuming and degrading so I decided to concentrate on finding work. 50.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 51. Bronchoscopy is a time-consuming, hospital-bound procedure; ideally the technique should be limited to high-risk patients. 52. The production of bibliographies and handbooks is a time-consuming process. 53. You might argue that such an investigation, though time-consuming, would enable you to build up the picture you want. 54. It is also a very time-consuming process as it of course doubles the viewing time to select what is to be edited. 55. But finding other, more generalized, illustrations is a time-consuming task. 56. She observed that I was the typical Americanthe third variant of eaters-who uses cutlery in what she called the most time-consuming manner. 57. It involves a lot of unnecessary digging, it is time-consuming and exhausting. 58. On television especially, the use of quick-cut images and short sound bites tends to foreclose reasoned reflection and time-consuming deliberation. 59. The time-consuming tasks of keeping families clean and fed were for the most part carried out with wholly inadequate equipment in depressing surroundings. 60. It is an unprofessional, time-consuming and inefficient way to use video recordings.