快好知 kuaihz

61. The prey assemblages of the other mammalian predators have low values, probably because of the destruction of bone through chewing. 62. She found the rabbit, chewing on a stubby cactus, and stabbed it in the neck. 63. Nicotine chewing gum can now be bought over the counter at the chemists. 64. It is thus of note that 27% of coal miners in our survey have a history of chewing tobacco. 65. The nationwide minimum age of 18 to buy cigarettes and chewing tobacco remains in force. 66. She'd found some hawthorn berries on a bush and was chewing her way through one with every sign of enjoyment. 67. If it isn't the dry rot in the roof, it's insects chewing the timbers. 68. The infant spat out its porridge, and even without teeth enjoyed chewing on a piece of bread. 69. After chewing the cud for a minute or two, they continue the fight. 70. The Sandrat bit into the wrist of one of the Minutemen, chewing until she severed the artery. 71. Nowadays he liked nothing better than drinking rather too much with journalists, and chewing the fat. 72. Welling have stuck to Reading like chewing gum to the sole of a shoe. 73. Despite this finding, the more people are using chewing tobacco and snuff. 74. Clean transport, safe transport with nice conductors and no chewing gum on the seats. 75. Then a friend asks if you've just been chewing a clove of garlic. 76. All we need are cowboy boots with spurs and some Red Man chewing tobacco. 77. After one encounter, I did draw one: I let no one near me with chewing gum in his mouth. 78. Informal sector activities include such occupations as street-vending of lottery tickets, food, combs, cigarettes and the inevitable chewing gum. 79. A trolley was wheeled past by two brutish-looking orderlies chewing gum. 80. She was chewing savagely on something, making nasal snarling sounds as she ripped the thing apart with her sharp teeth. 81. Gladstone had recommended chewing each bite thirty-two times, so Fletcher chewed every mouthful of food until it was pulverized into liquid. 82. Maxham took out something which looked like a piece of chewing gum. 83. Is there a gremlin outside, chewing on the wing of the plane? 84. The horse softens food before swallowing by chewing the food between his molars with a sideways grinding action of the lower jaw. 85. She might be pacing up and down, chewing her fingernails. 86. The boy in front of her is chewing gum; his jaws rotate with the same motion as hers: to and fro, to and fro. 87. The rhythmic, monotonous noise of their chewing was soothing to Nails. 88. They all walked on to the big stage and turned into Olivier doing Hamlet, chewing up the scenery. 89. See how long you can take to eat a meal or a sandwich, chewing every mouthful as slowly as possible. 90. His brother Gawain ignored him, gazing at the salt cellar or the window for minutes at a time and stolidly chewing.