to order造句31. Have you got futon beds in stock or will I have to order one?
32. My Spanish never really progressed beyond the stage of being able to order drinks at the bar.
33. Grandmother felt free to order her about just as she wished.
34. I think you have got no right to order me about.
35. The Court of Appeal exercised its jurisdiction to order a review of the case.
36. The court has no power to order a psychiatric examination of the child's parents.
37. Email us if you require further clarification on how to order.
38. The teacher rapped on the blackboard with her fingers to call the class to order.
39. He had the power to order troops home with a stroke of his pen.
40. Call us to order or to get details of local stockists .
41. The waiter smiled contemptuously at anyone who didn't know which wine to order.
42. It's often cheaper if you buy wallpaper off the shelf, rather than having to order it.
43. Despite attempts to call them to order, the audience continued to make a lot of noise.
44. Each mirror is made to order and can be designed to almost any shape or size.
45. The judge had no authority to order a second trial.
46. To order, turn to the coupon on page 163.
47. But emphasis has now shifted from liberty to order.
48. The way she tries to order him around.
49. I now call this meeting to order.
50. Got supplies I got to order.
51. Would you like to order a drink before dinner?
52. One alternative is to order decaffeinated coffee, which certainly is an improvement on the original version.
53. Charles wanted to order a brandy and drink it in one gulp.
54. The civil division of the Court of Appeal enjoys much wider powers to order a retrial than the criminal division.
55. Growth is often generated by charismatic leaders, who can not be produced to order.
56. The failure to order a criminal investigation drew immediate criticism from several policyholders' lawyers.
57. The Commission has powers to order divestiture of unauthorised mergers.
58. Some picked at plates of eggs and hash browns until the session was called to order.
59. He refused all attempts to force him to order an invasion of Naggaroth.
60. Still; look on the bright side: they'd have to order another one.