res造句31. Res Judicata is the basic theory of the civil procedural law in the continental law system, whose core is its objective scope.
32. Corn plant is able to prom - ote the transformation of soil Zn to RES - Zn and CA - Zn .
33. The research indicates that NII level in sensitivity area, say Shilong, has been reduced after GSL open, the reduction in high noise level area in day and night is 22 6% and 23 2% res...
34. Res ipsa loquitur proven method has its advantages in handling damages in medical tort cases.
35. We as we use your supplied disk as the hi - res archive.
36. The first chapter briefly introduces the concept and history of res judicata. Res judicata theory is the product of historical development, it is continuously developed among the history of mankind.
37. Such as reforming China's long-established legal concept, clearing judgment of res judicata in China's administrative litigation legislation and so on.
38. M é decins sans Fronti è res and Monde are providing technical assistance and supplies.
39. Whether living skill is treated as community property is related to the correlation of res and property.
40. Chinese criminal retrial procedure has some obvious defects and needs to reform according to a couple of modern principles such as res judicata and prohibition against double jeopardy.
41. Memory is a private res, Hide it, Never let it out.
42. Res ipsa loquitur does not normally entail a presumption of the defendant's fault, nor a shift in the burden of proof.
43. In the second part the author classify the problem of the relation between the objective scope of res judicata and the finality of judgments.
44. The forth part introduces the res judicata and principle of non bis idem.
45. Or perhaps ITA could spin off its res system business into a new company.
46. Res ults In the observational group, 5 cases got recovered and 4 were treated effectively.
47. The change of plasma fibronectin and phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial system (RES) was observed in rats with shock induced by E. coli suspension (endotoxin).
48. The principle of Res judicata is one of the fundamental rules and values, and is also the ultimate safeguard for the judicial power to be the supreme mechanism to solve the social disorders.
49. And to investigate and compare with the pharmacokinetic parameters of t - Res and t - PD in rats.
50. The size of the objective scope of res judicata is closely related to the theories of new or old subject matter of litigation.
51. Therefore, the theory of res judicata has an important effect in solving the dispute thoroughly, and it is necessary in procedural legislation and theoretical study.
52. Second chapter is about the basis and the essence of res judicata.
53. The dimethylglyoxime photometry can be used to determine the nickel content of Ni-Cr porcelain alloy, and better results were achieved in this res...
54. Menstrual discomfort in Danish women reduced by dietary supplements of omega-3 PUFA and B12 (fish oil or seal oil capsules). Nutr Res 2000;20:621-631.
55. Moreover, remember your solemnization up of the flower stay, party they can also be used as the dinner table set off res again shining sparkle.
56. Dans la pri è re, dans la lumi è re, revoir mes fr è res.
57. Le caract è re chinois est tr è s difficile pour les é trang è res.
58. The system of acquisition in good faith is a very important legal system of civil law and law of jus ad res in the world, whose aim is to enforce a restriction on the protection of absolute ownership.
59. Res Judicata Law Theory is the basic theory of litigation areas, civil law and common law countries have admitted that the majority of administrative litigation judgments res judicata issue.
60. Conclusion By adopting skewed nine-spot pattern, leading water injection, clay stabilizer and wettability reversal, development effect of Chang 8 res...