authentication造句121. This paper analyzes a generalized biometric identification system reference model, then points out that this model will help the design of architecture in the biometric authentication system.
122. The unclearness of decisive right of authentication is one of the disadvantages in current civil authentication system, especially one of main causes of abusively repeated authentication.
123. Discussing several core issues about the RSA password system to realize the transfers and MD5 arithmetic progressing security authentication.
124. The hashing function is one of the basic foundations of the cryptography. It widely used in data integrality and identity authentication.
125. Thank you to our investigation, now with your group company under the sales agreement customization:1 the buyer may, on the third party authentication in China for a group of engineers trustworthy.
126. Electronic evidence has brought challenges to traditional evidence rule such as Best Evidence, Authentication Rule and Hearsay Rule.
127. CLC now checks whether the user really owns the file or not and upon successful authentication, adds the new users identity to the shared file access list.
128. The corporation has passed the authentication of Good Supply Practice ( GSP ).
129. After consideration of OWLAN system structure, OWMIP includes smooth handover, route optimization, buffer storage management, and secure authentication.
130. All the production is authenticated by the ISO 9001 and CE authentication.http:///authentication.html
131. This counter displays the number of domain global group membership evaluations per second at authentication time.
132. TALKING TOKENS In support of federal regulations regarding disabilities, RSA Security provides a talking token that with the press of a button audibly announces the authentication code.
133. A mutual authentication protocol based on public key encryption is presented for mobile communication system.
134. This system has offered privacy, identity authentication, integrality and undeniable of the Email.
135. New authentication system: The updated app will tighten up the authentication system so that passwords are no longer sent in clear text.
136. One area where these classes are used is in validating that userids are in the correct format before connecting to CICS for the actual authentication.
137. Meanwhile security procedure whose relevant norms allocates the losses arising out of fraud among the parties serves as the authentication means of payment order.
138. You Chinese majors all have the nasty habit or even obsession of textual authentication.
139. DB2 UDB relies on this external security facility to authenticate a user and will only grant access to DB2 UDB resources if authentication is successful.
140. It combines the secret, the ASCII label, and the seed data we give it by using the keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code ( HMAC) versions of both MD5 and SHA-1 hash functions.
141. As mentioned above, there are two common technologies used to satisfy the requirement of message authentication: the Message Authentication Code and the digital signature.
142. The public directory will contain html pages which require no authentication. They include the log-in page and error pages.
143. By following stipulations in the OpenID Authentication Specification Version 2.0, OpenID RPs are able to decode (or "normalize") an identifier to figure out how to authenticate a user.
144. This counter displays the number of domain local group memberships evaluations per second at authentication time.
145. It makes authentication to the shape, ultraviolet and infrared spectrum of the Chinese holly leaf and Gonglao leaf, as well as the medicinal traits.
146. This paper discusses authorization and authentication of active node in active networks, and issues about their implementation.
147. Since ancient times human authentication has gone through a very long period of change. With the advent of digital age, technologies based on biometric authentication have shown their value.
148. As a novel biometric authentication technology, human ear recognition needs to solve the problems of image processing such as edge detection and feature extraction.
149. The design of a simulation system security log user interface, using MD5 algorithm users log on password security authentication.
150. To eliminate the variable of remote user authentication, the application servers mentioned in this article are local user repositories (that do not use LDAP).