快好知 kuaihz

61 His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers. 62 The significance for college students of doing a part-time job means more than money and experience. 63 She does a bit of waitressing as a part-time job. 64 Most of the women are forced, through economic necessity, to work in part-time low-paid jobs. 65 He did part-time work as an usher in a theatre. 66 She wants to work part-time after she's had the baby. 67 The incomes of male professionals went up by almost 80%. Meanwhile, part-time women workers saw their earnings fall. 68 After several part-time jobs, he's now got a stable job in a bank. 69 She became a casualty of the reduction in part-time work . 70 I went to college anyway, as a part-time student, paying my own way. 71 You should at least work part-time, just to keep your hand in. 72 She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born. 73 Some cater for several thousand students, full- and part-time. 74 Many hill farmers are smallholders with part-time jobs elsewhere. 75 He worked incredibly hard and employed only part-time help. 76 Or that men are looking to work part-time. 77 Part-time workers often work in low-paid occupations. 78 Hayes is part-time con artist, part-time investigator. 79 Nelson has three full-time and two part-time employees. 80 We will make financial assistance available for part-time study. 81 Most low-paid jobs are part-time or temporary. 82 Many are occupied by women on a part-time basis. 83 Part-time workers are demanding parity with their full-time colleagues. 84 I want to work part-time. 85 Part-time female labour is particularly important. 86 A creche is provided on site for part-time courses. 87 Applications for part-time study are also welcomed. 88 Janine attends high school full-time and works part-time. 89 Part-time workers are considered dispensable in times of recession. 90 Almost all of this increase was in part-time employment.