gandhi造句121. It was expected that some of the larger projects approved by the Gandhi government would be postponed.
122. Would not Gandhi come to hear their grievances? the peasant asked.
123. The magistrate said he would announce sentence after a two-hour recess; until then Gandhi would be released on bail.
124. Gandhi felt that the size of the refund was less important than the plantation owners' consent to it.
125. I came across Gandhi in the early morning sitting by the roadside eating a regulation army biscuit.
126. But Gandhi was stoical in his bearing, cheerful, and confident in his conversations, and had a kindly eye.
127. In addition to the need for humility, discipline and singleminded devotion in the quest for Truth Gandhi lays stress on prayer.
128. When the corps was disbanded it was mentioned in dispatches and Gandhi and several comrades were awarded the War Medal.
129. Gandhi, of course, was wrong in supposing there to be any fundamental conflict in Irwin between the viceroy and the man.
130. As penance, Gandhi fasted three days and asked his followers to fast twenty-four hours.
131. For many years, India's Congress Party was led by Mrs Indira Gandhi.
132. As national freedom drew near, political activities grew more intense and Gandhi stood at their epicenter.
133. Gandhi had mental health because in him word, creed, and deed were one; he was integrated.
134. Join Congress, Mr Gandhi seemed to be saying, and create a party strong enough to have a clear majority.
135. Gandhi said the country was meaning a state of civil war.
136. There was no running water in the Gandhi home; each room had a chamber pot.
137. In addition to his manifold welfare activities, Gandhi also gave his energy to the Congress party.
138. The book is dominated by three tremendous figures: Mahatma Gandhi, part saint, part humbug, and unrelated to Indira.
139. Often, in fact, Gandhi was more interested in improving the human means than in attaining political ends.
140. Mr Gandhi, the Prime Minister suggested, had misunderstood; they had considered his known devotion to untouchables.
141. He was an ardent disciple of Gandhi.
142. Remember India's premier was a woman, Indira Gandhi?
143. And the same is the case with Mahatma Gandhi in India.
144. You'd have to be as weak as Gandhi before you'd give in.
145. Both King and Gandhi were tremendously brave men whose unique form of courage left a lasting imprint on their nations' histories.
146. The auxiliary institutions of Indian democracy, so atrophied under Indira Gandhi , have been renewed.
147. He gives us a portrait of the real Gandhi, warts and all.
148. Among the leaders he knew well were Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru.
149. Indira Gandhi , the Prime Minister of India , has been killed by assassins in New Delhi.
150. Soon Gandhi was expounding the doctrine of ahimsa ( nonviolence ).