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31. Preventing the inefficiency of the first one-liner is easy: just use the $. variable, which tells you the current line. 32. A problem with the first one-liner in Listing 3 is that it will go through the whole file, even if the necessary range has already been covered. 33. Obama's Afghan policy evolved on the campaign trail last year as a one-liner designed to deflect charges that he was a peacenik on Iraq. 34. In the age of the TV sitcom , witty New York repartee and the instant one-liner, Western wisdom in the modern sense can mean something more like the dialogue from an American sitcom. 35. You should understand what's needed from your one-liner, and do exactly that. 36. This 3-line script is about as large as a one-liner could be before you have to rewrite it as a real script. 37. Thus, we come to our first one-liner, intended to add two columns in the text input to the script. 38. Single quotes are better, because then you can use double quotes inside the one-liner. 39. Given that this is Perl, the second and third are a one-liner.