mars造句151. Bridges is a scientist working on dirt samples brought back from a Mars expedition.
152. Saturn's opposition to Mars will bring a long-running saga of struggle to a head once more.
153. He's also planned a route to the south pole of Mars.
153.try its best to gather and create good sentences.
154. The chemistry of Mars and Venus was as balanced as the periodic table, and as dead.
155. Scientists foresee humans living on Mars within the next 200 years.
156. Planet Mars is most unhelpful this week, but do try to allow partners more freedom.
157. It is intended as a model for a possible future colony on Mars or the Moon.
158. Scientists hope the coming generation of Mars probes will detect former hot springs.
159. Even quite small bodies can penetrate the tenuous atmosphere of Mars and cause erosive explosions on its surface.
160. Michael and his Mars transport crewmates are in a room bristling with screens, workstations and equipment.
161. Earth has only 0. 3 millibars of carbon dioxide and Mars an average of about 6 millibars.
162. Mars was merely a sad story that somebody else had told her, but leaving the meanings was worse than unrequited love.
163. It gives us the mini-mum performance we need to get off Mars but leaves much room for growth and improvement.
164. Two possible routes to Mars are illustrated in figure 4.18.
165. And in the rocks, somewhere on Mars, is probably written the history of the cold, freeze-dried planet.
166. The space agency would have preferred to talk instead about its plans to explore Mars.
167. The presence of Mars in Scorpio is as clear a signal as you could wish for.
168. The goal of landing people on Mars will not be an easy one to execute.
169. Step into a Dali painting or fly to Mars - the possibilities are endless.
170. This process of constructing habitable environments on Mars can be begun at once.
171. Carrying a lance and attended by a wolf Mars did, however, have his bloodthirsty moments.
172. On Mars, the colonists are repeating the errors of Earth.
173. Donnellan likes to say she matriculated at the University of Mars.
174. The little wanderer called Sojourner ran into a big Mars rock Thursday and ended up with one wheel high, scientists reported.
175. A better plan would be to launch from Earth on a trajectory optimized for transfer to Mars.
176. Both Mercury and Mars have gravitational fields too low to retain an atmosphere.
177. Middle-sized Mars occupies the middle ground between Earth and Moon in almost every respect.
178. At these times, any given booster rocket can launch the heaviest possible payloads to Mars.
179. It is now far more acceptable to start talking about a manned mission to Mars.
180. Mars is very nearly twice the diameter of the Moon and half the diameter of Earth.