快好知 kuaihz

31. About 8 a. m. Monday, he abducted Roswell during a botched robbery at a Texarkana veterinary clinic, authorities said. 32. Botched Not when he has botched reunification and his country's interest rates cripple home-owners and industries far beyond his own borders. 33. Even rich countries are discovering this: witness California's power shortages, caused by a botched privatisation. 34. Read in studio A hospital is investigating a woman's claim that a botched operation led to her suffering months of pain. 35. He has botched up our plans. 36. He botched the job badly. 37. Botched economic policies caused most of the carnage. 38. Pure structure is likely to end up badly botched. 39. Botched jobs are common, in fact. 40. A bachelor botched a batch of badly baked biscuits. 41. When I launched the proxy fight at Blockbuster, the feeling that he'd botched the Hollywood Video deal was wide spread. 42. Wanting to get her away safely was the real reason he had hurried and botched. 43. The Google accord may make Yang more vulnerable in a proxy fight against billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who says Yang botched the Microsoft negotiations. 44. Eve ( Bell ) is a sexy assassin who kills without remorse - until one botched hit changes everything. 45. I'm out of sorts because I can't find the nincompoop who botched up the report. 45. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 46. These failures caused the stimulus enacted in February 2009 to be botched in both in its design and its administration, resulting in the discrediting of deficit spending as a response to depression. 47. Meanwhile, a botched face-lift severely damaged the nerves of British businesswoman Penny Johnson, who lost her business and became a recluse. 48. Equally unfortunate has been a botched approach to portfolio diversification. 49. The actor botch botched ( ie forgot or stumbled over ) his lines. 50. Instead, some now see Thailand a cautionary tale of a botched democracy. 51. Although the killers succeeded in their mission, the botched getaway has stunned many across the Arab world, where the Mossad is widely credited with almost superhuman skill and secrecy. 52. Prosecutors said the alleged military death squad mistakenly killed 15 civilians during a botched raid at a neighborhood barbecue in Lima. 53. In an attempt to elude cops after a botched bank robbery, the Associated Press reports that 20-year-old Larry Whitfield broke into and hid out in the home of Mary Parnell. 54. In one botched effort, a doctor instructs Albert to talk with a mouthful of marbles, a gagging endeavor that might have altered the imminent monarchical succession. 55. I can't find the fool who botched up the report. 56. The computer programmer botched ( up ) the job and had to start over. 57. A currency revaluation over the winter was botched, leading to food shortages. 58. A botched operation would be an embarrassment for a navy that earlier this year celebrated its 60th anniversary with much hoopla. 59. FYI Colombia performed a botched Tummy Tuck and I had to go into emergency revision surgery in the U. S. I had two potential fatal infections and I also had a drain that was removed from my body. 60. Kevin botched the house painting project by using the wrong color.