commercialism造句(31) By the affection of commercialism, part of land in manors turned into lease holds through peasant land market.
(32) The two are intrinsically mixed in the midst of modern commercialism and attached to.
(33) Moreover, the large volume of purchases would bring commercialism into this old religious ceremony, jeopardizing its spiritual significance and even its mere existence.
(34) Cross , Gary . An All - Consuming Century: Why Commercialism Won in Modern America . 2000.
(35) He says the growing commercialism in China has penetrated science, leading some researchers to falsify data or plagiarise others' work in order to gain fame or funding.
(36) But underneath her commercialism and pragmatism, she has her principles. Ms.
(37) Commercialism has become too widespread. Pt has even crept into schools and Places of worship.
(38) With success has also come criticism about the rampant commercialism of the games.
(39) Many American dislike the commercialism that is associated with Christmas.