快好知 kuaihz

1. This is a nonsensical argument. 2. Their methods of assessment produce nonsensical results. 3. There were no nonsensical promises about reviving the economy. 4. It's nonsensical to blame all the world's troubles on one man. 5. Charming, idiotic, nonsensical girls, he used to say. 6. The model's results are nonsensical. 7. You must cease this nonsensical life of yours, slaving away as if you were a servant! 8. This makes even more nonsensical its ostensible reasons for the land invasions. 9. How would he react to a nonsensical situation such as this, and one which was completely outside his own control? 10. For example, a modulating theme may sound nonsensical without other notes which guide the harmonic flow. 11. Finally, may I dispel a couple of nonsensical rumours that are currently circulating. 12. He said several nonsensical things. 13. In fact, market prices are frequently nonsensical. 14. He found himself inventing such impressively nonsensical propositions. 15. God is a nonsensical monster. 16. Cultural orientations can make a direct translation nonsensical. 17. Despite scepticism, founder Trent Huang was nonsensical and confident about his company. 18. The obvious mistakes of this novel are several nonsensical parts. 19. Incidentally , it is just nonsensical to talk of fattening food. 20. It seemed to me that Sir Robert's arguments were nonsensical. 21. After all, the DNA molecule is one continuous chain of bases, and without punctuation, the code would be nonsensical. 22. Similarly, the puerile masquerade of seventies non-swearing was worth watching because it was deliciously nonsensical. 23. It was the peculiar accent that puzzled me before; it made Alice's words sound garbled, nonsensical. 24. The other ninety-five per cent looks like a fairly nonsensical sequence. 25. Well, perhaps you have a natural claim to these bizarre nonsensical things. 26. Of course, the popular justification of war loans is nonsensical. 27. The invalid interrupt vector pointed to memory containing a bunch of technically valid but nonsensical instructions followed by an invalid one. 28. I have mentioned all this in terms of its roots, to demythologise the absolute nonsensical myth of it being a 2000 year old Sufi system. 29. And because they think only of Joe Smith , they end by advocating reactionary and nonsensical policies. 30. A good way to do this is to give them a weighty policy manual filled with nonsensical rules and regulations.