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1. The Bohai bay Basin is a Cenozoic rifting one. 2. Lakes developed widely Cenozoic era in central Tibetan Plateau. 3. Fula sub basin is a Mesozoic and Cenozoic continental rifted basin, which is controlled by the Center Africa Strike slip fault. 4. The newest era is called Cenozoic beginning at 65 million years ago. It is the age of Mammals. 5. In Cenozoic, Chengbei 20 fault stops activity, Chengbei fault and Chengbei 30 north fault keep on developing, and Chengbei 30 south strike-slip fault and some new NE-trending faults start to develop. 6. Cenozoic tectonic activities are controlled by the eastward propagation of Tibetan Plateau uplift. 7. The triphibian chipping-rock sedimentary formation in Early Cenozoic in Adatan basin in western segment of east Kunlun Mt. was formerly considered to belong to "Low Tertiary". 8. Tens of Cenozoic basins, mostly small-sized in tramontane basins, are dispersely distributed in western Yunnan (west to Nujiang ri ver). 9. Liaodongwan - Xialiaohe basin is a Cenozoic interior rifting basin. 10. The Meso Cenozoic Jiyang depression is an assemblage of the negative inversion basin, dextral transtensional basin and active rift with four evolutionary phases. 11. Can not meet - fold to accept Cenozoic Era art to run attending school the shock person enjoying. 12. Rupture zone controls the North-South differences of cenozoic diastrophism and present lithosphere movement of Fujian Province. 13. It controlled the formation, deformation of the Meso- Cenozoic Tarim and Qaidam foreland basins, in which the hydrocarbon accumulation was influenced. 14. The structural boundary and structural system of the Cenozoic basin are set up with the aid of experimental contrast and geological generalization method. 15. The Yanqi Basin formed in Mesozoic and Cenozoic, is a hydrocarbon bearing basin, which has not only an imbricate , back, ramp thrust structural styles, but also a wrench structural style and so on. 16. Among them the Precambrian and Cenozoic eras are the main metallogenic epoches in the world. 17. Sumatra is composed of old, thick continental crust comprising volcanic rocks of Permian, Cretaceous and Cenozoic age. 18. Liaohe basin is a rift basin developed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. 19. In the light of geodynamics and global tectonics, this paper delves into the generation and evolution of Mesozoic Cenozoic back arc basins along the western Pacific active continental margin. 20. According to the main rock-forming minerals in them, the Cenozoic volcanic rocks are mainly alkali olivine basalt, basanite and nephelinite. 21. The ultimate extinction of the dinosaurs 6300 years ago in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Tertiary Paleocene. 22. Core test and reservoir analysis show that there exists certain good reservoir in the Pre Cenozoic stratum. 23. The paleontogical history of the cat can be traced back to the great diversification of mammals in the Paleocene epoch, at the beginning of the Cenozoic era, over 60 million years ago. 24. The characteristics and origin of transverse transfer zone in Cenozoic Huanghua extensional basin are discussed. 25. In each of the terranes there are many Mesozoic Cenozoic remained basins which are overlapping basins. 26. The space database is composed of several sub-databases, among which are geographic base map, distribution of historical earthquakes, active faults, Cenozoic basins, and so on. 27. So the deep basement faults corresponding to the geophysical abnormal belt were not obviously active at least since Cenozoic and Neozoic Era. 28. The basin group in the east part of Nei Monggol are Middle Cenozoic fault-depressed basins developed on Hercynian basement. 28. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 29. Some endogenetic gold deposits controlled by the fold systems which situated in the pre geosynclinal and the geosynclinal stages are formed in the Meso Cenozoic eras also. 30. The Kuangshanliang and Tianjingshan present a duplex which comprises of a shallow fault-bend fold of late Triassic and a deep blind stacking anticline imbricated by several thrust sheets of Cenozoic.