gradient造句31. This may indicate that other factors also play an important role in increasing hepatic venous pressure gradient in acute liver failure.
32. All patients but one had an increased hepatic venous pressure gradient.
33. The railway bridge at this point represented the steepest gradient on the whole system at 1:16.
34. The slow gradient ended when the road climbed the steepest incline I had yet encountered.
35. The computed value of fracture initiation pressure gradient was found to be 1.02 psi/ft.
36. The Chin tracks in India follow the most direct line between villages, regardless of gradient.
37. Climbing back up the one in 4 gradient requires extraordinary reserves of stamina as well.
38. It is the steep temperature gradient that makes it possible for us to work black smokers with a large measure of safety.
39. An internal ramp of the maximum permitted gradient would take up too much floor space in the small shop.
40. After a mile or so the banks closed in and the gradient increased ... Inspection followed.
41. The steepest gradient is 3.3 %, and the minimum curve radius is 400m.
42. To enable waves to break some distance offshore it is necessary that the offshore profile should possess a very gentle gradient.
43. A variation of this method makes use of a density gradient column.
44. This morphogen concentration gradient can thus be used to determine the position of the cells.
45. The evidence on uptake was more mixed although there was a clear class gradient with regard to preventive services.
46. It is possible that the steep age gradient observed in Figure 5.1 is mainly due to these factors.
47. Maybe she missed the channel into Angle Inlet by only a fraction of a mile, a miscalculation of gradient or degree.
48. Hence a reasonable lower bound is the maximum gradient of the radius vector in the interval blackout point, whiteout point.
49. This gradient reflects sinusoidal pressure and is an indirect measure of portal pressure.
50. Granulocytes and mononuclear cells were obtained by gradient centrifugation of venous blood from healthy volunteers.
51. Furthermore the hepatic vein wedge pressure-inferior vena caval mean pressure gradient was normal.
52. A 1937 Brush car climbs the 1:26 gradient to Warley Road. 2.
53. It is also ideal for swimming, and the gentle gradient of its shores makes it safe for children.
54. The main objects of this alignment are to achieve a short wheel base, and a fairly steep gradient.
55. The strong urban-rural gradient in the performance of factory employment is also evident at Figure 5.4.
56. The reverse gradient applies for only one cause of death, malignant melanoma of the skin.
57. Negative Richardson number corresponds to a destabilizing density gradient; both shear and buoyancy give rise to turbulence generation.
58. An adaptive step-size natural gradient algorithm is proposed.
59. Gradient descent algorithm using momentum BP network training.
60. Find the gradient. Find an approximation formula.