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south american造句
91. Below share with you a South American Indian - style song that we like. 92. I'd been going to bars for a while, and I was in a political theater company that did shows in lofts with homeless people and South American activists. 93. In 1970, Chile became the first South American country to establish diplomatic ties with China, opening a new page in the friendly exchanges of the two countries. 94. South American palm yielding a wax similar to carnauba wax. 95. Any of several feather-leaved South American palms, especially Euterpe edulis and E. oleracea, which are important sources of heart of palm. 96. A South American shrub or small tree (Nicotiana glauca) naturalized in the United States and having yellow flowers and thick, rubbery, oval or lance-shaped leaves. 97. A tropical South American tree (Hevea brasiliensis) widely cultivated throughout the Tropics and yielding a milky juice that is a major source of commercial rubber. 98. So: birds and bushes on islands off the coast of South America resemble South American birds and bushes; islands near Africa are populated by recognizably African forms. 99. A wolf spider treads perilously on the rim of a South American pitcher plant, perhaps looking to prey on insects drawn to the plant's strong nectar scent. 100. South American game bird resembling a gallinaceous bird but related to the ratite birds. 101. South American catfish having the body covered with bony plates. 102. U. S. soybean exports are likely to rise strongly in coming months largely because of low stocks in rival South American suppliers, Hamburg-based oilseeds analysts Oil World forecast this week. 103. The documents say the South American nation aims to move 211 tons of gold it keeps abroad and values at $11 billion to the Central Bank in Caracas. 104. South American gauchos were known to put raw steak under their saddles before starting a day's riding, in order to tenderise the meat. 105. It is a curare alkaloid derived from the South American plant. 106. For example, some South American regions have tried legislating against biopiracy but have struggled to implement laws at a national or international level (see Peruvian region outlaws biopiracy). 107. Made from South American nuts, corozo has been used in military uniforms ever since World War II. At that time, corozo was used because it was local, cheap and tough for the purpose. 108. Encyclopedia Of South American Aquatic Insects: Hemiptera - Heteroptera: Illustrated Keys to Known Families, Genera, and Species in South America. 109. This was apparent at the Paris Olympics in 1924, when the very "professional" Uruguay team became the first South American nation to win the title. 110. A South American plant ( Solanum tuberosum ) widely cultivated for its starchy, edible tubers. 111. Vince Larkin: If you can't trust a South American drug lord, who can you trust? 112. A rising oil basis in South America and talk of China buying two to three cargoes of South American soyoil were supporting factors for soyoil. 113. Swine flu cases have been reported in more than 20 nations, including Colombia - the first South American nation to see an H1N1 infection. 114. For example, an invasive South American rodent called the nutria is destroying wetlands across the southeastern United States. 115. Prior to Thursday, Colombia was the only South American nation to confirm swine flu with its borders. 116. Several South American states broke off diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany. 117. A member of a South American Indian people formerly inhabiting much of the Greater Antilles and now living chiefly in certain regions of Guiana. 118. So too has the Rare Animal Range, replete with deer and guanaco, a South American relative of the llama. 119. The news was greeted with cheers and celebration in parts of the South American country. 120. This cultural content are specially focus on Mesoamerica and South American part.