directness造句61. The Principle of Directness and Verbalism is a fundamental principle that is universally established in the Civil Law System countries.
62. It embodies three prominent characteristics such as directness, mutuality and approachability.
63. YFT series has low and high pressure water pump, so you can have water test directness.
64. Because of the briefness in algorithm, the directness in results, and the quickness in calculating, mathematical morphology will be a preferable approach to non-linear speech signal processing.
65. The reliability and directness of the index system also were discussed.
66. He was a man of severely limited understanding but of ruthless directness and great energy.
67. Then, when you use them in real life, a normal person will react by immediately ceasing all hurtful behavior, and even mean people will be taken aback by your directness.
68. The literati almost all agree on establishing the Principle of Directness and Verbalism in China.
69. The real difference the Shiva brought to the system was in the directness of its communication, its ability to hold your attention, draw you into a song, turn your emotions with a musical phrase.
70. His terrible directness made me feel peeved , and begrudgingly I conceded that he was right.