快好知 kuaihz

31. Discrete convolution is applied to verify the properties of convolution of two continuous waveforms. 32. The main result is that we get a sufficient condition for the weak convergence of convolution powers of probability measures, by using the method of local grouplization. 33. A new large point radix2 circular convolution algorithm is proposed in this paper. 34. The result signal is the convolution of the input signal and the system impulse. If the width of the system impulse is more wide than the input signal, the result signal is similar the input signa . 35. Study two of the most important basic operations in digital image processing: 2-D Discrete Fourier Transform and 2-D Discrete Convolution Transform. Map them on RCA. 36. In chapter two, using piecewise quartic polynomial as kernel function, we give analytical convolution solutions for points, line segments, arcs, quadratic Bezier curves and triangle segments. 37. A new predictive algorithm based on discrete convolution theorem is presented in this paper to meet the demand. 38. This paper puts forward and proves time shift characteristic of the signal convolution integral. 39. It is showed by experiment, that not only the random error hot also the burst error can be corrected by using the diffuse convolution codes. 40. By using the property of the separative matrices, a new approach to the convolution integral is presented. 41. According to the established 3 D scene, we analyzed the convolution reconstruction method and Fourier reconstruction method. 42. Characteristics of the discrete real-space Green's function and particularities of the discrete algorithm of the planar acoustical holography reconstruction convolution are analyzed. 43. In the first part, real - time convolution algorithm is analyzed in linear system. 44. Methods: The convolution spectrometry of computer information process technology was used , based on convolution spectrometry. 45. Convolution integral is a mathematical method applied to calculus the zero state response of continuous-time systems. 46. Fresnel Zone Plate ( FZP ) non - movable convolution scanning holography is based on the FZP scanning holography. 47. It is expounded how to apply correctly convolution integral to circuit analysis and some key problems are discussed that should be paid attentions to in practical operation. 48. As a result, the relationships of the three superposition integral formulas namely the convolution integral, the Duhamel integral and Du's integral are thus estab... 49. As a result, the relationships of the three superposition integral formulas namely the convolution integral, the Duhamel... 50. So we can use the convolution of Laplacian operator to compute the gradient descent. 51. SIMD computer is mostly suitable for high-speed calculation of vectors, and matrix of a large quantity, and image convolution is the most important technology of image processing. 52. The linear mixture mode deals with two classes, instantaneous mixing problem and convolution mixing problem. 53. The performance, the encoding and decoding method of a orthogonalizable diffuse convolution code are analyzed. 54. Let's now examine the convolution a bit more as a mathematical entity. 55. This model utilizes discrete sampling points as input directly, and convolution sum to deal with time accumulation process. 56. Operation of discrete convolution and discrete correlation will spend too much time to process a signal in time. 57. Firstly, the polynomial convolution algorithm was used in spectrogram smoothness, baseline correction and standardization for original NIRS data of diesel fuel. 58. Convolution plays an important role in the analysis of circuit and system. 59. A series of primary pictures are made by optical Fourier transformation and convolution operation. 60. The result improves on that the peak signal-to-noise ratio and the visual effect of image restoration via the proposed process. The rapid speed based on convolution ensures real-time of the algorithm.