快好知 kuaihz

121. The fluid is composed of filtrated saltwater, clay stabilizer HCS and chelating agent HTA. 122. When no stabilizer was used only 53. 44% of salithion remained and when the stabilizer was added at least 96. 29% salithion remained. 123. The method for determining organic tin compound ( OTC ) heat stabilizer in PVC is described. 124. A special material nylon 1212 for the automobile pipe was developed by modification with adding 15% plasticizer BM and appropriate photostabilizer and heat stabilizer and lubricant. 125. An auxiliary PVC thermal stabilizer , stearic acid pillared hydrotalcite, was prepared using anion - exchanged method. 126. Invar alloy foil was electrodeposited from sulfate - chloride electrolyte containing composite stabilizer and additives. 127. Ordinarily, it is improved by flight control system, such like rotorcraft unmanned aerial vehicles which use Bell bar or Bell-Hiller stabilizer bar. 128. In this paper a laser stabilizer using double feedback signals is proposed. 129. With its Tactical Cruise Missiles, the Flapjack has almost twice the range and firepower of the Lobo . It also features heavier armor and a stabilizer system that allows it to fire when on the move. 130. The study and kinetics of PVC heat stabilizer yttrium stearate by saponifying method was carried out. 131. The choices of control method are key factors that influence stabilizer effect of passively controlled anti-rolling tank mainly, by comparing optimal control method with routine control method. 132. A type of loop antenna used for Y7-200A airplane is given. The antenna is located on the front edge of the vertical stabilizer. It is conformal with the configuration of the plane. 133. GELATIN STABILIZER. For every 1 cup of chilled heavy cream to be whipped, dissolve 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin in 2 tablespoons cold water or cream. 134. Using a new type of rare earth stabilizer formula to break the traditional lead salt formulations of conventional, low-lead non-toxic products. 135. The raw compositions, thaw condition, emulsifier, stabilizer and additional level were studied, we confirmed the formula and professing technology of smear process cheese. 136. The principle of GPSS is particularly presented after power system stabilizer PSS is introduced. 137. This article analysis the principle of the benzyl chloride polymerism and it' s cause and introduces the effect of composite stabilizer W102 in preventing benzyl chloride polymerization. 138. The motor that drives the robot's tail and a curved, girder-like stabilizer bar attach to the robot's upper body. 139. Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1983 for epileptic seizures, VPA is also used as a mood stabilizer in various neuropsychiatric conditions, including dementia-related agitation. 140. The multifidus muscle is a powerful spine stabilizer as it has short and powerful fibers that enable it to produce large forces over short distances. 141. Dextrose is a stabilizer, accounting for 5 - 30ú ? in weight ratio in granula. 142. The stability of effective chlorine of sodium hypochlorite was improved with stabilizer. 143. Engaged in the research project of "Studies on the lanthanon stabilizer". 144. Effects of polyolefin resin, light conversion agent, light stabilizer, anti fog agent and colouring agent etc. 145. As a class of stabilizer codes with special structures, CSS codes can be constructed by a dual-containing binary linear code or a pair of classical binary linear codes with twisted relation. 146. To this end the European Central Bank (ECB) should establish annual country loan quotas set according to each country's economic size and output gap, making them a form of automatic stabilizer. 147. The reagent (kit) mainly comprises the components of a buffer solution, reduced coenzyme, amine compounds, pyruvic acid, pyruvic acid dehydrogenase, NADH peroxidase and a stabilizer. 148. The tax revenue is an important component of fiscal revenues, and crucial adjusting and controlling means, which is the"stabilizer"of social economic development. 149. Expertment shows the best way is adding the stabilizer agent X to the fabrics in double- crabbing machine. 150. On the other hand, the government should pay attention to adjust economy using the automatic stabilizer effect of tax when the active fiscal policy is used.